The 19-Year Time Cycles —
What HAPPENED January 7th
What My Commission IS!
SIGNIFICANT THINGS DID happen on January 7th! In this Personal I want to tell you what happened- but also to make PLAIN and CLEAR:
1) What our Commission IS, and what it is NOT!
2) What are the criteria for determining through whom God is carrying out that Commission which is His WORK on earth today.
Thousands know that I, personally, have been called and chosen for a very definite commission in God's service. But I have definitely NOT been called to be a PROPHET - except as that word, Biblically used, does sometimes refer to a minister or speaker - one who proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Emphatically I am NOT a prophet, in the sense of one to whom God speaks specially and directly, revealing personally a future event to happen or new truth, or new and special instruction direct from God separate from, and apart from what is contained in the Bible. And I never have claimed to be.
There is no such human prophet living today I The Bible is the written Word of God - and, for our time now, it is COMPLETE! Never have I believed or claimed that God reveals to me new truths not contained in the Bible - in addition to, or apart from the Bible.
In a special group festival held at Belknap Springs, in Oregon, in the autumn of 1951, I was shocked - and so were those there - to hear Herman L. Hoeh, then recently graduated from Ambassador College, say with conviction, as if with authority, "Mr. Armstrong is NOT A PROPHET - but a man called to the same kind of commission as the original evangelists and apostles of the first century Church of God - to proclaim the Message - the Announcement - the Good News of the Kingdom of God - the Message that Christ brought from God and taught His disciples."
I shook my head in astonishment that he would make that statement. I knew well I was not a prophet. I simply knew I had been called to proclaim Christ's Gospel of the Kingdom of God - to get a job done - but I had no illusions about being an evangelist, or an apostle, or anything more than my own part in proclaiming and publishing this Great NEWS, as a witness, to as many as I could reach. I had no vision then of a worldwide ministry.
Let's take a look at the Church of God of the first century, as we find it revealed in the Book of Acts, beginning from the day of Pentecost, 31 A.D. The Bible was not fully written - only the Old Testament - in 31 A.D. God then was still communicating new truth, instruction and knowledge directly and personally to prophets. As the Church progressed, it was the function of a prophet to communicate to the apostles special messages which God had personally revealed to them. Others were inspired in the writing of the books of the New Testament.
So we read, in Acts 11:28 and 21:10-11, of the prophet Agabus. But today we have the COMPLETE Word of God, for our time, in the Bible. There are no such prophets - except false ones.
Now a word about what my Commission is NOT. It is not to become an infallible expert on, or to preach, chronology.
I feel at present that the whole question of chronology is in confusion, and no one can be positively SURE of dates.
As of the present I, and a majority of our historians in Ambassador College, and researchers in the School of Theology, feel that it is utterly unsafe to try to SET DATES in regard to future prophesied events, especially the return of the living Christ in supreme Power and Glory to rule all nations of the earth.
But we are only human, and it is natural that we should have been curious to know, as far as possible, how much time we had to GET THE JOB DONE. (More about that later.)
That, however, in fact, is not our main purpose, or Commission - which is to proclaim Christ's Announcement of the advance good NEWS of the coming Kingdom of God to rule all nations — and the message commonly called salvation — the fact we may be born again through Jesus Christ — born into that Kingdom.
Our Commission is to get that job done !
We have been getting it done !
The question which Christ, the Head of God's Work, has not revealed in the Bible is, how thoroughly He intends it to be done!
The prophecy of the proclaiming of this Message in our time, is in Matthew 24:14. Jesus said: "And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached [and published — Mark 13:10] in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end [of this age} come."
Let me say now, that in early July last year (1971), I could not have said that had as yet been done. But, in the literal Scriptural meaning of that commission, as of January 7, 1972, it had been accomplished ! Six months before we had not yet gotten the Message into Japan, nor into the Scandinavian countries. Now we have!
There may, now, be a very few little countries virtually unheard of into which we have not penetrated. But I was mentioning three or four such tiny nations as an example before some of our executives the other day, when Mr. Ronald Dart, Vice President in charge of the foreign Work, grinned, on the mention of one of them, saying, "We are broadcasting regularly on the leading radio station in that country."
BUT — the unanswered question is — how intensively does God intend all these countries to be reached? That is the question He has not answered — in the Bible. (Unless by one implication of which I will cover later.) But, by what happened on that very day, January 7th, and since, it appears He has now given us the answer — He intends the nations to be reached more intensively than as of now!
More of that, later!
Go back, once again, to the beginning and founding of the Church. First, Jesus called His disciples, whom He taught and trained to start getting this job done. Whom did He call? The most highly educated, the leaders of the world? No, Peter and Andrew, brothers, fishermen by trade. Then next He called James and John, brothers, also fishermen. He chose Matthew, a publican (tax collector) — and tax collectors were held in no high regard in Judea.
After Christ's resurrection, Peter and John were brought before the high priest and chief rulers. They were accused of benefitting and healing a man crippled from birth. It is recorded (Moffatt), "They were astonished to notice how outspoken Peter and John were, and to discover that they were uncultured persons and mere outsiders" (Acts 4:13). These apostles were from Galilee — outsiders in Jerusalem. The AV renders it, "... and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men," but that is misleading; as the Greek implies, not ignorant, and illiterate, in the ordinary sense but, as Moffatt renders it, uncultured in technical learning of Jewish scribes and rulers, and in their acquired mannerisms.
Again, speaking of true Christians, we read, in I Corinthians 1:26: "For you see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh [intellectually], not many mighty, not many noble, are called "
The sophisticated churches of the world seek leaders who are intellectual, socially cultured, leaders in the community. But when God chooses His human instruments, He is more concerned about the sincere and honest of heart. He calls imperfect {all men are, anyway) but sincere and dedicated human instruments. They all make mistakes! This fact needs NO apology!
When I was first called — autumn 1926 — spring 1927 — I first looked for proof, one way or the other, as to whether God exists. I had had little or no religious interest previously. I did not assume, because of my Protestant ancestry and parentage. I wanted to know — to be sure — I wanted proof one way or the other.
After much careful research, involving study of evolution — the writings of Darwin, Huxley, Haeckel, the earlier Lamarck, plus Spencer, Vogt, Chamberlain and other modern geologists and evolutionists — as well as a careful study of Genesis and other parts of the Bible — of all the scientific facts bearing on the subject I could find — I became sure! I had proved that God IS!
Next I entered an intensive study to determine whether the Bible can be proved to be the inspired Word of God — the revelation of knowledge from the Creator to mankind. By many infallible proofs, this was proved !
After that, I had a solid foundation on which to start.
I began then to learn God's Truth, but not until after surrender to Him, repentance, believing, baptism, and receiving His Holy Spirit. This opened my mind to UNDERSTANDING of the Bible. Never before could I understand it!
Now I began to learn, a truth, a subject, a teaching, or a doctrine at a time. Baptized in 1927 (late spring), I was not ordained to the Ministry until late May, or early June 1931. (Pentecost was May 25th). In my study, I did not receive everything perfectly all at once. There were instances where, having felt I had come to understand the true Biblical teaching on a certain subject, other Scriptures discovered later put a different light on it. / had, on occasion, to confess I had been in error, and to correct it.
The0 Apostle Paul, telling us under God's inspiration of how he came to KNOW God's Truth, said: "But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ." He received it, as he implies, from an appearance of the living Christ, in person, even after His resurrection and ascension.
I, too, received Christ's Gospel NOT from MAN. I, too, certify that the Gospel I have taught and proclaimed is not after man. I entered no theological seminary, where I would have received a particular denominational teaching and set of doctrines and practices. I was not taught by MAN. But I was taught, as was Paul, by the revelation of Jesus Christ - Paul from the living Christ in person - who is the Word of God in person - but I from the written Word of God - which is the SAME revelation, now set in print.
I did not get it all perfectly at the beginning. No one could. Most of God's truths, assuredly, were revealed perfectly and in truth from the beginning. But, as an example, even Peter says ". .. our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures unto their own destruction" (II Peter 3:15-16). And sometimes, in the light of other Scriptures, I had to confess error and correct it.
There were at least two occasions when I was accused by hostile women, bent on discrediting me, of error. On more thorough research, in these two instances, I discovered I had unknowingly been in error - and they were correct. Humiliating or not, / openly and publicly corrected these errors at once.
Even the first century Church at Antioch was UNSURE about a truth, and when they appealed to the Headquarters Church at Jerusalem, so were the apostles there - UNTIL THE HOLY SPIRIT corrected them, and revealed the real truth to them (Acts 15th chapter).
Let me ask you this question. Do you know of any large, established, well-recognized professing Christian denomination which has PUBLICLY confessed it had been WRONG in what it had been teaching, and which then CORRECTED the error, and turned to the TRUTH ?
No, the big established churches and denominations feel they cannot afford to admit having had any error - having ever mis-taught the people.
But are they ALL perfect and correct in what they teach? If so why do not any two AGREE in all points of doctrine ? The REASON is simply that they DO teach certain errors which they are afraid to confess, for fear they would lose members.
Yet they are all HUMAN. They are ALL subject to error, and so are YOU - and so am I - and so is this Work of God. Even though it is God's Work, directed, empowered and blessed by Him, He carries it on through frail, weak HUMANS, and we humans are ALL of us subject to mistakes!
What are God's CONDITIONS for salvation? 1st, is REPENT. Repent means CONFESS YOUR SINS - your errors - your mistakes - where you have been WRONG! It means CHANGE from the wrong, and TURN TO the right! A church or a group activity, even such as ours, is made up of HUMANS. Such church or work is merely the individual humans that comprise it, COLLECTIVELY. If no one of the humans is infallible, NEITHER CAN THE ORGANIZED GROUP BE.
If I were looking for God's one true Church, I would assuredly look for one that had confessed and corrected its errors! For all have had them - even the early churches (Rev. 2:4, 14, 20).
Any criterion that assumes God's TRUE Work through humans is absolutely perfect, unable to be wrong or make mistakes or hold to any error, is a false measuring stick and will mislead you.
You may ask, do I, then, feel that we in this Work are full of errors, misleading the people ? MOST EMPHATICALLY NO! We have not had to correct error many times. But each time we have corrected an error, we have had one fewer error left. If we KNEW of any error still remaining, now, we would CHANGE it! If and when we find one in the future, we shall correct it! The one who follows that principle is THE MOST FREE FROM ERROR!
So, confessing such an error is one of the SUREST proofs to identify the people through whom the living Christ is WORKING - and whom HE is USING !
If you are looking for a leader who claims that he is PERFECT, and you think you have found him, and he is human, HE is A FALSE LEADER. There is ONLY the ONE Leader who is perfect today - and He is the LIVING CHRIST!
We follow HIM - and we trust you, with us, will do the same.
Peter made mistakes. He was openly rebuked by Paul (Gal. 2:11-14). All prophets and apostles were IMPERFECT all made mistakes. All but Christ!
Now I want to tell you the TRUTH about the two 19-year time cycles, ending January 7, 1972, with a frank, straightforward explanation of where we were mistaken - and WHERE WE WERE RIGHT!
In a Co-Worker letter dated May 22nd, 1953, I wrote the following:
"Listen now to an ASTOUNDING fact! God has set time running in cycles of 19 years. Just once in every 19 years the days, divided by the sun; the months, marked by the new moon; and the years, divided by the revolution of the earth around the sun, all come into conjunction.
"It took just ONE COMPLETE CYCLE of 19 years for this Work to grow from nothing until it carried the very Gospel of Jesus all over the North American continent in mighty power! That 19-year time cycle ended, and the second 19-year cycle began, during the first week of the present year, 1953!
"The very start of the second 19-year cycle marked the beginning of proclaiming this Gospel to ALL EUROPE AND THE BRITISH ISLES! It must still go to Asia, Africa, South America, and Australia."
But MORE ASTOUNDING than I had noticed, or written then:
We started on the air on the little station in Eugene, Oregon, the first Sunday in January, 1934. That first Sunday was January 7. For some time I talked of starting also on the air in Europe during the first week of 1953 - 19 years later - not the first Sunday, but the first Wednesday.
What I did not realize, then, is, that one year from today - or two, or 19 years from today will NOT be the same day of the week as today!
Let me add here, that / did not have anything to do with setting the DAY on which we started in Europe. I had negotiated to purchase time on that station two or three months earlier - late autumn, 1952. I sent over a transcribed or taped program, but for some reason the contents did not completely conform to technical station requirements. I re-recorded the program and sent over a second transcription. Because of language barriers, I had not understood their technical requirements. Again it was rejected.
The third time the program was okayed, as were all programs thereafter for years. The station put it on at the first open date thereafter - which happened (?) to be, the first Wednesday in January, 1953.
But, incredible as it may sound, when later I checked with calendars, that Wednesday was January 7, 1953! 19 years to the exact SAME DAY OF THE YEAR. I checked with the Hebrew calendar. January 7, 1934 was Sunday, Tebeth 20th. Also January 7th, 1953, was Wednesday, Tebeth 20, by the Hebrew calendar! So the door opened in Europe, not only the first week in 1953, but on the exact SAME DATE -19 years TO THE VERY DAY!
That seemed SIGNIFICANT, to say the least!
Another possibly significant analogy: Jeremiah's calling as a prophet was from the 13th year of king Josiah (Jer. 1:2)-apparently 626 B.C. It seems unlikely Jeremiah would have entered his ministry without some training.
If he underwent a 3-year training, similar to the training of Christ's disciples, his actual ministry would have begun approximately 623 - (a date apparently not verifiable historically). The first phase of his ministry carried to the beginning of the siege by Nebuchadnezzar's forces on Jerusalem, 604 B. C. That was 19 years, assuming the pre-ministry training period. His ministry then continued until the fall of Jerusalem, 585 B. C. - a SECOND 19-YEAR TIME CYCLE. However, there is ample reason to believe Jeremiah's ministry continued into, but probably not completely through, a 3rd 19-year period with his escaping from Jerusalem and, with one of King Zedekiah's daughters, migrating to northern Ireland, where this "King's seed" took root downward, and bore fruit upward.
If you will put yourself in my place and in the place of my associates in God's Work - I think you may imagine how we felt! This was ASTOUNDING yet it was FACT!
As God set the earth, the moon and the sun to mark time here on earth, each 19 years is a definite cycle of time. Granted, there was no prophecy in the Bible specifically saying THIS WORK would be given one 19-year time cycle, at which time God would open the door for us to get His Message into Europe.
BUT, we checked the early Church. It started on its mission from the day of Pentecost, 31 A. D. (Acts 2). The Apostle Paul said a DOOR was opened for him to get the Message into EUROPE (II Cor. 2:12-13 and Acts 16: 8-13). This was in 50 A. D. - after 19 years. And there is reason to believe that the "Sabbath" mentioned in Acts 16:13 was the annual Sabbath called the day of Pentecost - or 19 years to the day from the time the Gospel was first preached by the Church!
To us these FACTS and probable facts were truly ASTOUNDING!
There IS the definite time cycle, SET BY GOD in the earth, moon and sun, of 19 years. That is a FACT!
It was, to the very DAY, precisely 19 years from the start of this Work until the door was opened to proclaim the Message to EUROPE! That is not surmise, conjecture, or "probably" - that is FACT! It happened!
It appeared probable that Jeremiah had been given 19 years for the first portion of his ministry. It was definite that he was given another 19 years for the second phase of his ministry. It is established by prophecy that a third stage of his ministry carried INTO a third 19-year time-cycle - though probably lasting only an indefinite few or several years during the 3rd 19 years.
The early Church was given 19 years for the first phase of its ministry, when the door was opened to carry the Gospel to EUROPE ! The same, TO THE PRECISE DAY, was true in our case! And that is FACT!
Yes, this seemed SIGNIFICANT!
It SEEMED we would have a second 19 years to get the Message "in all the world, as a witness to all nations."
I admit we were somewhat excited by this realization of FACT. We are HUMAN ! Our hearts are IN God's Work to which He has called us. This was, to some extent, an emotional revelation. Would YOU have the same normal human reaction, had you been in our place? I think all but dour, prejudiced, hostile critics, who would like to see God's Work destroyed, would have reacted as we did!
I said at the beginning, "Emphatically I am NOT a prophet." Later, "Now a word about what my Commission is NOT. It is not to become an infallible expert on or to preach, chronology." Later again, "But we are only human, and it is natural that we should have been curious to know, as far as possible, how much time we had to GET THE JOB DONE. That, however, in fact, is not our main purpose, or our Commission - which is to proclaim Christ's Announcement of the advance good NEWS. . . . Our Commission is TO GET THAT JOB DONE ! We have been GETTING IT DONE!"
This is the PARAMOUNT FACT OUR readers and Co-Workers need to keep uppermost in mind!
Our human interest, and enthusiasm about facts and indications pointing to the probable amount of time we had left is of MOST MINOR consequence compared to the BIG point of the Commission - WHICH WE HAVE BEEN GETTING DONE !
Now let me continue.
It has never been our intention to SET DATES! Time after time, I have said - Garner Ted Armstrong has said - our literature has stated - "WE DO NOT SET DATES!"
Yet, in our human zeal and enthusiasm for getting this greatest mission on earth done, we have a few times come close to it or appeared to - and that we deeply regret.
If we were not human enough to be virtually carried away with what appeared inevitable - in the light of fact and probability - we surely would not have been imbued with the energy, vitality, sense of urgency and enthusiasm to GET the job done!
So let me give you a few actual QUOTES:
In 1959, we issued a booklet, (now out of print) A True History of the True Church, by Herman L. Hoeh. He said: "God . . . opened a DOOR to the apostle Paul at the beginning of the second nineteen-year cycle by which the Gospel went to Europe (Acts 16:9; II Cor. 2:12-13). So now, just before the second coming of Jesus Christ, God has given His Church.. . just two nineteen-year cycles in which to carry the Gospel to the world! The first cycle passed. Then God suddenly opened the door for the second cycle in January 1953, and the Gospel is now going to all the world!"
My only comment: By the end of the second cycle we had gotten it into all nations - and not even six months before. We still face the question: How THOROUGHLY must all nations be reached ?
An edition of a booklet, 1975 in Prophecy, issued 1957 - now for some time out of print - had the following:
"Feverishly science, technology and industry are working to produce a fantastic, push-button world of leisure by 1975."
Let me say here in regard to this booklet, the title date, "1975" had nothing to do with any prophecy, or fulfillment of any prophesied event whatsoever. It was a date set by certain scientific and technological sources, for accomplishing certain materialistic objectives. Scientists set dates for the times they HOPE to accomplish certain breakthroughs. But does anyone discredit THEM, if they set the wrong date? Of course not!
Let me give you other examples:
Sir Philip Noel Baker (Nobel Prize winner in 1959) before television cameras, radio mikes, newspaper and magazine reporters, this dedicated man of science, deadly serious, said, " I believe that within ten years we will all be dead and the earth will be an incinerated relic." That ten years passed three years ago. But no one calls Sir Philip a false prophet. At any time during that ten years his statement could have come true! What he said is even more of a possibility today than in 1959! There are more ways to destroy mankind now than then!
This man of science, well informed, trying to get someone to heed the deadly SERIOUSNESS of the world condition, boldly stated that he felt it would be decided within ten years!
Author Gordon Ratray Taylor put the threat to the extinction of mankind this way: "THE THREAT IS TOO SERIOUS TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY."
John Piatt of the University of Michigan has stated in Science magazine, "We may have even less than a 50-50 chance of living until 1980!"
The Federation of American Scientists in I960 declared, "It appears unlikely that the world will avoid a nuclear holocaust if another 15 years pass without arms control agreement!" HE set a date - 1975.'
In 1966 Dr. Binay Sen, Director of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization said, "If the rate of food production cannot be significantly increased, we must prepare for the four horsemen of the Apocalypse."
We are living in a lost, empty world, hopeless, just about to commit cosmo-cide! Concerned, dedicated, sincere, intelligent, sober men in government, science and education are sounding a unanimous alarm: Mankind will end before this century does!
The point: Because these men add a date to their concerned comments regarding mankind's future, does it mean that their concern, and all the overwhelming facts which cause that concern, are wrong? NO! When the house is on fire no one seems interested in the exact number of minutes one might have before he is finally consumed! When it gets down to the last few straws, no one volunteers to lie down under the loaded camel whose back is about to be broken.
Time marches on inexorably, and so do all the prophetic events leading to the collapse of mankind's experiment in self-government. And better yet, the sure coming of God's Kingdom to save man from himself is near!
Emphatically, if we - in our dedicated enthusiastic ZEAL to get God's WARNING of the end of mankind's world before this sick, sick world - DO, even though we intend not to, appear to set a date, I FEEL I DO NOT NEED TO APOLOGIZE ! No one but the enemies of ALL GOOD will accuse!
Now, continuing the booklet, 1975 in Prophecy, on page 3: "MAN does not know the WAY to peace and happiness and joy. What man is bringing on the world is the diametric opposite - such catastrophic and terrifying destruction that human life will be erased from the earth in 25 years UNLESS GOD ALMIGHTY INTERVENES!" That would be by 1982.
On page 10: "While modern science and industry strive to prepare for us a push-button, leisure-luxury world by 1975, United States Assistant Weather Chief I. R. Tannahill warns us unofficially to really fear 'the big drought of 1975.' But the indications of prophecy are that this drought will be even more devastating than he foresees, and that it will strike sooner than 1975 - probably between 1965 and 1972!" I said "indications are" and "probably."
On page 20: "Yes, millions of lukewarm inactive professing Christians will suffer MARTYRDOM - and that before the anticipated push-button leisure-year of 1975 dawns upon us!" I did not set that 1975 date - spokesmen for science and industry did. I still say it will occur before their dream-world materializes !
In The PLAIN TRUTH, October 1965, appeared the following (page 16): "But we know that the time is soon coming - probably at the end of the second 19-year time-cycle of this Work - when our voices shall be stilled - our printing presses stopped!" The main statement remains as certain today as then - only the "PROBABLY" by 1972 has proved to be premature.
In a reprint from an issue of The PLAIN TRUTH during 1963, an article, "There Is a Way of Escape," by Herman L. Hoeh, has this: "The new slogan of the neo-Nazi parties is that the west is 'through by 1972'. ... It is time we recognized that civilization has less than 15 years to go." The Nazi slogan, dating 1972, was off - but Dr. Hoeh has six more years to go before his is! In my "Personal," The PLAIN TRUTH for February 1967, I said: "I wish ALL OF YOU could realize that this wonderful coming world (that Jesus' GOSPEL announced) is REAL - and most of you will be in it - I hope as one of its changed iMmortals. It's not only REAL it is coming SOON. Possibly (I do not set dates) in less than ten years!
Yes, very possibly that soon!" I still say, it WAS - and still is - possible; but I specifically said "I do not set dates."
In a Co-Worker letter to those contributing financially, dated December 29, 1969, I said: "While I EMPHASIZE, we cannot set dates, yet I am prepared to say now, for the first time, the second coming of Christ COULD happen during this coming decade, which we enter later this very week. Don't under any circumstances take this as setting a date but we are now far closer to the END OF THIS WORLD - and the beginning of the happy and peaceful WORLD
TOMORROW than people realize. TIME IS SHORT!"
That one statement epitomizes what we have said all along.
Scores and scores of times we have said, "We do not set dates." Yet, in our zeal, we have used "possiblies" and "probablies" and even appeared to set dates we really didn't intend to set.
Scientists have done the same. Other writers in other fields have, also. I'm sure all our sincere readers UNDERSTAND OUR INTENT!
Hundreds of times I have said - Garner Ted Armstrong has said - our other speakers and writers have said - "DON'T believe ME because / say it - but listen with open mind, without prejudice, search your own Bible, and BELIEVE
I have never tried to induce leaders to FOLLOW ME - but to follow CHRIST, and to follow me only as I follow HIM.
Now a final summary:
Let me give you now what was our thinking, based on prophecy (which does foretell certain events to come, but NOT their dates), based also on world events and trends, and at the same time being influenced to some degree by the 19-year time cycle that HAD DEFINITELY OCCURRED, ON THE VERY DAY. I do not mean merely my own thinking, personally. I include the combined thinking of our top men here at Pasadena in the Work.
First, in 1945, before the end of World War II, I was saying on the air that the Nazis were organized to go UNDERGROUND, in case of defeat, and to COME BACK. By war's end, later in 1945, it seemed history might repeat - it often does. It had taken Germany 21 years from the armistice bringing the end of the first round of world war - an "armistice" is a RECESS - to be ready to start the second round, World War II. The armistice had COME OF AGE - 21 years!
So, we looked then to 1966 as a POSSIBLE date for the next round - nuclear World War III. I do not remember ever having stated this publicly, either on the air or in print. It was merely our private thinking of a POSSIBILITY. But by no means even as a probability.
By 1952, when my elder son, Richard David, and Herman Hoeh spent a summer in Britain, France, and Germany, their glowing reports of German progress in a post-war COMEBACK even strengthened our private view of POSSIBILITIES.
But, after the astounding fact of discovering our first broadcast into Europe and Britain had been 19 years - TO THE VERY DAY by both Hebrew and Roman calendars - we gained further insight into the probable time it would require to reach all nations. And we knew this had to be accomplished before World War III would break out. It seemed, then, it would require another 19 years at least.
Then we did begin to mention the possibility of God's Work extending another 19 years - or at least until January 7, 1972. In fact, we were so overwhelmingly impressed - perhaps more than we should have been - by the FACT of what happened after 19 years, we did, a few times, go further than we should with it - though basically, we continued, time and again, to say "we do not set dates." But some statements gave the IMPRESSION that we did set the date, January 7, 1972. It is difficult to control sincere, dedicated enthusiastic ZEAL; and we were human!
However, after June, 1967, and the six-day war between Israel and the Arab nations, just when world events could have plunged suddenly by that impetus to a climax in a few short years, world events, instead, began to slow down. But we could not discern that for a year or more.
De Gaulle, in France, began to slow down the Common Market moves toward POLITICAL union in Europe, in order to prevent Germany from dominating. He wanted to dominate.
In the Vatican, in Jerusalem, in Germany and Europe, in United States economy, affecting THIS WORK, the pace SLOWED! But we were so impressed with what already had happened in the 19-year time-cycle, that we failed to divorce actual contemporary world events, as they were slowing, from our time-cycle analogy.
During the past two or three years, the realization came upon us more and more that events were slowing - that the world-crisis would NOT be reached by January, 1972. All this has happened SINCE the 1967 edition of the U. S. and British Commonwealth in Prophecy book came out: This book contained statements that seemed justified in 1967-before this slowing down was noticeable-such as: "Events of the next five years may..." in the very beginning- and, "A staggering turn in world events is due to erupt in the next four to seven years." And again, "the next five to seven years" on page xi. You will notice that, even here, we were not setting a definite YEAR, but expressing a general period in different ways. On page xii, the statement, "The events prophesied to strike the American and British peoples in the next four to seven years are SURE!" By this we meant the EVENTS are SURE - not the "four to seven years." Lower on the page, however, the statement was made that these events will come "on schedule, BUT NOT UNTIL THE WARNING HAS BEEN MADE AVAILABLE" - which certainly qualified it.
In the latest edition of that book, ALL THESE STATEMENTS HAVE BEEN CORRECTED.
As I have said, Moses made mistakes, Abraham made mistakes, David made mistakes, Elijah made mistakes, Peter made mistakes, and so have ALL MEN God has ever called and used. Making a mistake is NOT any evidence at all that a man is NOT being used of God. But these men CORRECTED their mistakes! AND SO HAVE WE! And I am correcting a few in this very "Personal"!
The BIG POINT is - WE HAVE BEEN GETTING THE JOB DONE - and no one else on earth has!
One point remains. The question, HOW THOROUGHLY does God intend His Work to reach the nations?
It DID take a second 19 years to get the message into all nations - but, as of January 7th, 1972, we had reached many of them only superficially - not intensively!
I know of no place in the Bible where, in specific plain words, this question is answered. The one possible answer is in Matthew 24:14, the very prophecy defining our COMMISSION for this latter day. There we are to preach and publish this Gospel OF THE KINGDOM in all the world for a witness unto all nations. The answer may be tied up in the words "for a witness." One commentary, on this phrase, has: "as a witness: God never sends judgment without previous warning." In Amos 3:7 may be found a corollary: "Surely the Lord Eternal will do nothing, but He re-vealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7). The inference is that God's servants warn the people, as Jonah did Nineveh, of God's judgment to come.
If that is the meaning intended, then we must say that God does intend many nations to be warned more intensively than as of now. We have gotten the Message into Japan, for example, in the past six months - but reaching only a superficial fraction of the people. To say Japan has been warned would not be the truth.
In view of WHAT DID HAPPEN, on January 7th, it seems God has revealed in no uncertain language, BY THE VERY THINGS THAT HAPPENED on that day, that we must now reach all nations MORE INTENSIVELY!
1) On that very day, the MOST POWERFUL DOOR so far opened to us, swung wide open. We had hoped for it, but not really expected it. We had no idea when the answer would come. On that day the purchase of advertising space in the ENTIRE UNITED STATES edition of Reader's Digest opened before us. Total circulation, 17,750,000 copies - with a readership of 50 to 70 MILLION people - by far the largest of any magazine. That is from % to more than 1/3 of ALL the people in the U.S. The first two-page ad will appear in one half of that circulation in the April number, and in the other half of the circulation in the May number! For years we have purchased advertising space in overseas editions. Now the entire U. S. is opened to us!
2) On that day we received from our bankers the signed, sealed and delivered financing for 80% of the Superb new auditorium, NOW ACTUALLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION on the Pasadena campus. Since, besides being the college auditorium, for us it will also serve to honor GOD at the present Headquarters in Pasadena, it seems God assures us of a few more years at least to go, since it will take two years to complete it. The other 20% of the financing was already on hand, received and accumulated from Co-Workers. So the financing is 100% completed! Only we still must - over several years - repay the 80%.
Since, one of the most powerful radio stations, KOA Denver, has opened time for The WORLD TOMORROW at 7:30 every evening, seven nights a week, and for the Garner Ted Armstrong T.V. program at noon Sundays.
Since then, the NUMBER ONE independent T.V. station in the U. S. - top rated outside the major networks - WOR, New York, has opened PRIME TIME - actually in the very center of prime time for New York - 10 p.m., Sunday nights, beginning February 13th!
Yes, THINGS DID HAPPEN January 7th! And now THE MOST POWERFUL DOORS ARE OPENING. Next watch for major openings in Chicago, Philadelphia, Dallas, and elsewhere.
So where are we, now, in the Work?
All systems are "GO!"
Welcome aboard! Glad you're GOING WITH US! You know, I'm reminded of the time Jesus was criticized, persecuted, and misrepresented by His enemies. He asked His disciples, "Will ye also go away?" "Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? THOU hast the words of Eternal Life!"
And we in His Work, today, have those SAME WORDS OF ETERNAL LIFE!
Yes, all systems are "Go!"
With renewed energy, greater than ever before, WE PLUNGE ON TO FINISH THE WORK WE HAVE BEEN GIVEN TO DO!
Brought to you as a Stiudy Resource by the
Church of God Faithful Flock
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Witness for Christ
How should you witness for Christ? Wrong witnessing has caused heartache and grief. Learn how you can PROPERLY witness for Christ.
Why is it that nowhere in the pages of The Good News magazine can you find any reference to the Church of God missionaries in China, in the Congo, in Brazil or in the Arctic regions of Eskimo land?
Are we failing in a major commission from Christ, the Living Head of His Church, when He commanded, "Ye shall be witnesses unto me . . . unto the uttermost part of the earth" (Acts 1:8)?
How can the world be alerted to the terrible calamities that are already beginning to occur unless it receives our witness?
Will God hold you responsible if you fail to witness for Christ? If so, HOW should you witness for Christ?
Witnesses Continue to Witness
We know this to be the one True Church of God carrying out the end-time commission to a dying world. Yet many other churches are vigorously engaged in vast missionary programs, expending millions of dollars in missionary expeditions, schools and medical programs for the underprivileged peoples of the world in far-away places. Are these also witnessing for Christ?
Are the many and varied religions preaching the name of Christ, after all, carrying out the commission for Christ in making known the very name of the Saviour in these areas of the world? Are they really doing God a service, saving the Church of the Living God untold expenses, and preparing the way for The World Tomorrow broadcast in many of these places where ignorance of the name of Christ would have to be overcome?
The name of Jesus Christ is being carried by these missionaries to all the far corners of the world—and still over one-half of the population of this world has never even heard that name! Faced with this astounding fact—we should be vitally concerned over exactly what Christ expects us to do about it. We know that the end of the age is very close at hand. Are we falling down on this great commission? "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come" (Matt. 24:14). That is a direct commission!
The Urge to Witness
Scores of letters from members in God's Church testify to the fact that God's people are filled with the urge to witness to others. Listeners to The World Tomorrow program the world over are thrilled to report results, both good and bad, of their witnessing for Christ.
Here's an excerpt from such a letter: "My seven-year-old son just finished his first year of school. I teach him against pagan traditions. The teacher had those who had been to Sunday school hold up their hands. He didn't, so she asked him why not. He said it was the Devil' s day."
Consider this person's attitude. She was happy over her son's prompt rejoinder. Was she happy only that her son knew the truth?—or was she proud of her son's boldness in "witnessing"?
The urge to "witness" is a universal urge—but it can be a tool of Satan the Devil! Some of us have put ourselves, unwittingly, into his hands.
"Witnesses" support their proselyting excursions with these scriptures: "Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven" (Matt. 10:32, 33). Also, "If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation" (Rom. 10:9, 10). Again, "Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels" (Mark 8:38). Are they right?
Has God charged each of us to proclaim the Gospel to unwilling ears ? We need to understand. What responsibility has God rested upon us as His servants — Christians — His begotten children ? Most are pursuing the wrong way!
The Wrong Way
A young teen-age girl writes: "Mamma burnt a picture of Santa Claus that one of Daddy's friends gave him and in turn Daddy burnt all of our [Bible Correspondence] courses. I am sorry to have to quit it. I would love to take it."
Some are incensed to anger over the idolatrous practices of those around, and the anger of this girl's mother exploded into unwise actions. That is not the way to witness for Christ. Though sincere in what she did, the results—the fruits—backfired instantly upon her!
Another very enthusiastic follower of Christ, with misguided zeal, writes: teach the teen-age class in our church and have discarded our denomination quarterly and have embarked on a study of the Bible as it is written. Would you please send me all of the available publications that you offer, that I might be guided in the right paths. I have the opportunity of helping shape these young minds. Since we have started this method of conducting our Sunday school class, enthusiasm has been at an all-time high." From literally hundreds of sad experiences of others we can predict that this man is headed straight for one of the most shocking disa pointments that can come to any i dividual. His days as a teacher of your people in that denomination are numbered!
These are just a very few examples of overjealous individuals. There are other far more tragic instances that have wrecked homes and lives.
Ignorance Is Dangerous
Some have shrugged off persecution —reveled in a sense of martyrdom-quoting Christ, "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household" (Matt. 10:34-36). Ignorance over "witnessing" has caused broken homes, physical violence and even death!
Known instances are all too numerous in which such individuals have been committed to mental institutions as being fanatically unbalanced— unsafe to mingle with society. These are the reported cases! Scores of others are never reported!
Brethren, we need to heed! Many thousands of you are suffering unnecsarily. We are forced to conclude that there is hardly a family (in the very Body of Christ) that is free of guilt in this very grave fault. It is NOT too Late for change! Turn about! Go the way of Christ! Not the way that seems right to you (Prov. 16:25) !
Confused Individuals
So many in spiritually divided homes are baffled because their mates or their relatives fail to understand the plain Word of God. They preach endlessly to no avail. The literature left lying around is all too obvious, but it fails to rouse any spark of interest.
One man, now active in God's Work, for years could not be used at all because of his endless devices to "cram his religion down his wife's throat." Her violent reactions brought their marriage to the brink of divorce. Desperate to save his marriage, he yielded to advice wholeheartedly. Thereafter he never allowed religious matters to be discussed under any circumstances in his home.
He listened to The World Tomorrow broadcast in the privacy of his car, he arranged his study and prayer time so that it never interfered with any of the family activities. He resumed taking his family to activities that they had formerly loved so much. He began to live once more with his family! His light began to shine. The results were phenomenal!
No longer was his wife on the defensive. The "din" had ceased. She began to note remarkable changes in his personality, his character. What she saw she liked. His consideration, cheerfulness and enthusiasm became irresistible. The family sparked into new life . . . tragedy of another broken home averted.
Within weeks this woman was earnestly studying and preparing for baptism. Needless to say, she is, today, a member in God's Church.
Mental institutions are full of misguided "witnesses for Christ," incarcerated by equally well-meaning, misguided and concerned relatives. Psychiatric treatment, bodily injury and even death, has come to those who witness wrongly.
Not Up to You to CONVERT Others
Does witnessing for Christ mean preaching Christ? The most powerful witness for Christ is your OWN
David was such a witness. He served God as perfectly as any human being has been able to do. He did not go about the countryside preaching hour after hour. His conduct, his integrity, honesty and loyalty to his duty as king over all Israel spoke louder than words. He made grievous mistakes, yet God promised him kingship over all Israel in the Millennium.
Here was a man after God's own heart (Ezek. 34:23 and Acts 13:22), after he had bitterly repented (Ps. 51:3, 10).
John said, "My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; BUT IN DEED AND IN TRUTH" (I John
3:18). Jesus said, "Go NOT from house TO house" (Luke 10:7)! That is plain speaking! Those commissioned to preach were to go only to those who were obviously seeking enlightenment.
Paul said, "And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers. . . . Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers?" (I Cor. 12:28, 29). We find we have far more "teachers" than God ordained to that office! God inspired the Apostle James to warn, "My brethren, be not many masters [teachers], knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation. . . . Who is a wise man and embued with knowledge among you? let him shew out of a good conversation [conduct] his works with meekness of wisdom" (James 3:1, 13). A teacher of others carries a terrible responsibility. He answers directly to Christ for his influence. "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God" (Heb. 10: 31)!
Common Witnessing Faults
Some refuse to salute the flag of the country that gives them the freedom to worship, to choose their own vocation and to rear their families in the way they choose. That stand is not scriptural! That is false witnessing. Such as hold this wrong tenet bring persecution upon themselves! The scriptural answer was given by Paul, "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers [ruling government under which each lives] . . . Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour" (Rom. 13:1, 7).
The call to jury duty often has prompted unwise public statements such as, "My church does not advocate any human being judging another human being by the laws of men." Such unfortunate statements have brought reproach on this Work of God! (For further information regarding jury duty, write the Letter Answering Department of Ambassador College.)
More than one has preached to his employer—or fellow employee—on the subject of the Sabbath, the Holy Days, or the celebrations the company sponsors.
Lack of wisdom is a shocking reality in the character of far too many of you! This lack has often caused unnecessary unemployment. The reasons have been painfully apparent.
Never express your limitations to an employer. Point out your favorable abilities. Be honest, but not wordy. Your willingness to work overtime at other times than on the Sabbath, your dedication, your frankness, your loyalty and your good workmanship will tide you over any crisis that arises. You need not witness with your mouth to gain or hold a job.
Here Is How
Witness for Christ in action, in works, in conduct----not in WORDS!
The World Tomorrow broadcast reaches into every continent on earth— over twenty-two million watts of power. That is God's way of evangelizing the world! Man's way is to cram religion down the throats of others. Remember! —"No man can come to me, except THE FATHER WHICH HATH SENT me draw him" (John 6:44)! God has His way of doing this.
Your example of radiant happiness and joy; your sincere desire to serve others in menial tasks; your honesty, loyalty, dependability; your cleanliness, your orderliness and your vital zest for living are the true witness God expects of you! In Christ's words, "Let your light so shine before men [not your voice so sound before men], that they may see [not hear] your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven" (Matt. 5:5-16).
Here is the proper way to witness for Christ. Can you do this? Christ says you can!
"If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye DO them!" (John 13:17).
by Selmer L. Hegvold The Good News Magazine May 1964 Issue
Brought to you as a Study Resource by the
Church of God Faithful Flock
How should you witness for Christ? Wrong witnessing has caused heartache and grief. Learn how you can PROPERLY witness for Christ.
Why is it that nowhere in the pages of The Good News magazine can you find any reference to the Church of God missionaries in China, in the Congo, in Brazil or in the Arctic regions of Eskimo land?
Are we failing in a major commission from Christ, the Living Head of His Church, when He commanded, "Ye shall be witnesses unto me . . . unto the uttermost part of the earth" (Acts 1:8)?
How can the world be alerted to the terrible calamities that are already beginning to occur unless it receives our witness?
Will God hold you responsible if you fail to witness for Christ? If so, HOW should you witness for Christ?
Witnesses Continue to Witness
We know this to be the one True Church of God carrying out the end-time commission to a dying world. Yet many other churches are vigorously engaged in vast missionary programs, expending millions of dollars in missionary expeditions, schools and medical programs for the underprivileged peoples of the world in far-away places. Are these also witnessing for Christ?
Are the many and varied religions preaching the name of Christ, after all, carrying out the commission for Christ in making known the very name of the Saviour in these areas of the world? Are they really doing God a service, saving the Church of the Living God untold expenses, and preparing the way for The World Tomorrow broadcast in many of these places where ignorance of the name of Christ would have to be overcome?
The name of Jesus Christ is being carried by these missionaries to all the far corners of the world—and still over one-half of the population of this world has never even heard that name! Faced with this astounding fact—we should be vitally concerned over exactly what Christ expects us to do about it. We know that the end of the age is very close at hand. Are we falling down on this great commission? "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come" (Matt. 24:14). That is a direct commission!
The Urge to Witness
Scores of letters from members in God's Church testify to the fact that God's people are filled with the urge to witness to others. Listeners to The World Tomorrow program the world over are thrilled to report results, both good and bad, of their witnessing for Christ.
Here's an excerpt from such a letter: "My seven-year-old son just finished his first year of school. I teach him against pagan traditions. The teacher had those who had been to Sunday school hold up their hands. He didn't, so she asked him why not. He said it was the Devil' s day."
Consider this person's attitude. She was happy over her son's prompt rejoinder. Was she happy only that her son knew the truth?—or was she proud of her son's boldness in "witnessing"?
The urge to "witness" is a universal urge—but it can be a tool of Satan the Devil! Some of us have put ourselves, unwittingly, into his hands.
"Witnesses" support their proselyting excursions with these scriptures: "Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven" (Matt. 10:32, 33). Also, "If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation" (Rom. 10:9, 10). Again, "Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels" (Mark 8:38). Are they right?
Has God charged each of us to proclaim the Gospel to unwilling ears ? We need to understand. What responsibility has God rested upon us as His servants — Christians — His begotten children ? Most are pursuing the wrong way!
The Wrong Way
A young teen-age girl writes: "Mamma burnt a picture of Santa Claus that one of Daddy's friends gave him and in turn Daddy burnt all of our [Bible Correspondence] courses. I am sorry to have to quit it. I would love to take it."
Some are incensed to anger over the idolatrous practices of those around, and the anger of this girl's mother exploded into unwise actions. That is not the way to witness for Christ. Though sincere in what she did, the results—the fruits—backfired instantly upon her!
Another very enthusiastic follower of Christ, with misguided zeal, writes: teach the teen-age class in our church and have discarded our denomination quarterly and have embarked on a study of the Bible as it is written. Would you please send me all of the available publications that you offer, that I might be guided in the right paths. I have the opportunity of helping shape these young minds. Since we have started this method of conducting our Sunday school class, enthusiasm has been at an all-time high." From literally hundreds of sad experiences of others we can predict that this man is headed straight for one of the most shocking disa pointments that can come to any i dividual. His days as a teacher of your people in that denomination are numbered!
These are just a very few examples of overjealous individuals. There are other far more tragic instances that have wrecked homes and lives.
Ignorance Is Dangerous
Some have shrugged off persecution —reveled in a sense of martyrdom-quoting Christ, "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household" (Matt. 10:34-36). Ignorance over "witnessing" has caused broken homes, physical violence and even death!
Known instances are all too numerous in which such individuals have been committed to mental institutions as being fanatically unbalanced— unsafe to mingle with society. These are the reported cases! Scores of others are never reported!
Brethren, we need to heed! Many thousands of you are suffering unnecsarily. We are forced to conclude that there is hardly a family (in the very Body of Christ) that is free of guilt in this very grave fault. It is NOT too Late for change! Turn about! Go the way of Christ! Not the way that seems right to you (Prov. 16:25) !
Confused Individuals
So many in spiritually divided homes are baffled because their mates or their relatives fail to understand the plain Word of God. They preach endlessly to no avail. The literature left lying around is all too obvious, but it fails to rouse any spark of interest.
One man, now active in God's Work, for years could not be used at all because of his endless devices to "cram his religion down his wife's throat." Her violent reactions brought their marriage to the brink of divorce. Desperate to save his marriage, he yielded to advice wholeheartedly. Thereafter he never allowed religious matters to be discussed under any circumstances in his home.
He listened to The World Tomorrow broadcast in the privacy of his car, he arranged his study and prayer time so that it never interfered with any of the family activities. He resumed taking his family to activities that they had formerly loved so much. He began to live once more with his family! His light began to shine. The results were phenomenal!
No longer was his wife on the defensive. The "din" had ceased. She began to note remarkable changes in his personality, his character. What she saw she liked. His consideration, cheerfulness and enthusiasm became irresistible. The family sparked into new life . . . tragedy of another broken home averted.
Within weeks this woman was earnestly studying and preparing for baptism. Needless to say, she is, today, a member in God's Church.
Mental institutions are full of misguided "witnesses for Christ," incarcerated by equally well-meaning, misguided and concerned relatives. Psychiatric treatment, bodily injury and even death, has come to those who witness wrongly.
Not Up to You to CONVERT Others
Does witnessing for Christ mean preaching Christ? The most powerful witness for Christ is your OWN
David was such a witness. He served God as perfectly as any human being has been able to do. He did not go about the countryside preaching hour after hour. His conduct, his integrity, honesty and loyalty to his duty as king over all Israel spoke louder than words. He made grievous mistakes, yet God promised him kingship over all Israel in the Millennium.
Here was a man after God's own heart (Ezek. 34:23 and Acts 13:22), after he had bitterly repented (Ps. 51:3, 10).
John said, "My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; BUT IN DEED AND IN TRUTH" (I John
3:18). Jesus said, "Go NOT from house TO house" (Luke 10:7)! That is plain speaking! Those commissioned to preach were to go only to those who were obviously seeking enlightenment.
Paul said, "And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers. . . . Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers?" (I Cor. 12:28, 29). We find we have far more "teachers" than God ordained to that office! God inspired the Apostle James to warn, "My brethren, be not many masters [teachers], knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation. . . . Who is a wise man and embued with knowledge among you? let him shew out of a good conversation [conduct] his works with meekness of wisdom" (James 3:1, 13). A teacher of others carries a terrible responsibility. He answers directly to Christ for his influence. "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God" (Heb. 10: 31)!
Common Witnessing Faults
Some refuse to salute the flag of the country that gives them the freedom to worship, to choose their own vocation and to rear their families in the way they choose. That stand is not scriptural! That is false witnessing. Such as hold this wrong tenet bring persecution upon themselves! The scriptural answer was given by Paul, "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers [ruling government under which each lives] . . . Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour" (Rom. 13:1, 7).
The call to jury duty often has prompted unwise public statements such as, "My church does not advocate any human being judging another human being by the laws of men." Such unfortunate statements have brought reproach on this Work of God! (For further information regarding jury duty, write the Letter Answering Department of Ambassador College.)
More than one has preached to his employer—or fellow employee—on the subject of the Sabbath, the Holy Days, or the celebrations the company sponsors.
Lack of wisdom is a shocking reality in the character of far too many of you! This lack has often caused unnecessary unemployment. The reasons have been painfully apparent.
Never express your limitations to an employer. Point out your favorable abilities. Be honest, but not wordy. Your willingness to work overtime at other times than on the Sabbath, your dedication, your frankness, your loyalty and your good workmanship will tide you over any crisis that arises. You need not witness with your mouth to gain or hold a job.
Here Is How
Witness for Christ in action, in works, in conduct----not in WORDS!
The World Tomorrow broadcast reaches into every continent on earth— over twenty-two million watts of power. That is God's way of evangelizing the world! Man's way is to cram religion down the throats of others. Remember! —"No man can come to me, except THE FATHER WHICH HATH SENT me draw him" (John 6:44)! God has His way of doing this.
Your example of radiant happiness and joy; your sincere desire to serve others in menial tasks; your honesty, loyalty, dependability; your cleanliness, your orderliness and your vital zest for living are the true witness God expects of you! In Christ's words, "Let your light so shine before men [not your voice so sound before men], that they may see [not hear] your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven" (Matt. 5:5-16).
Here is the proper way to witness for Christ. Can you do this? Christ says you can!
"If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye DO them!" (John 13:17).
by Selmer L. Hegvold The Good News Magazine May 1964 Issue
Brought to you as a Study Resource by the
Church of God Faithful Flock
Review of Principles
Update of Policies
Ministerial Conference January 1973
It is vitally important that all ministers teach what God teaches about tithing. Based on God's Laws, God's Church must have a standard worldwide policy, thus assuring unified and consistent application.
The broad principles of tithing must be defined from the Bible and coordinated from Headquarters. Likewise, all matters of judgment based on these tithing principles must also be biblically founded and clearly spelled out from Pasadena. Such serious decisions must not be left to individuals in order that uniformity and consistency will be maintained throughout God's Church.
The following are overall guidelines prepared by Mr. Armstrong and the Evangelists for God's ministry. Individual ministers must make judgmental decisions based on these principles.
In practical fact, God's Laws are straightforward and simple.
The Basic Principles of Tithing;
Tithe on the Increase Received from Productive Effort
Every human being who earns an increase is required to tithe. God owns everything (Psalm 24:1; Haggai 2:8, etc.) -- and He therefore requires that we return to Him, for His Work, 10% of all our increase (Genesis 14:20, 28:22; Numbers 18; Hebrews 7). God's Law applies to all people, Israelite and non-Israelite, converted and unconverted.
Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong specifically wrote: tithe on 'increase' — we define 'increase' as what we receive as a result of our productive effort (This "productive effort" is most often our own individual personal productive effort. In the case of collective or group effort, either the group must tithe as a whole or each individual must tithe on his or her share.)
(We note that the term "productive effort" has a very broad range, including capital gains from property, dividends from stocks, interest from bank accounts, etc.)
Where the Responsibility Lies:
With the Earner, Not the Receiver
All wealth — all material goods and money — was produced and earned at some point by someone through personal productive effort. That person — the one who actually produced the goods or earned the money — is the one responsible before God for the tithe on that increase.
Anyone who receives a gift or inheritance — material goods or money earned or produced by someone else — is not responsible to pay tithes on what he receives. He is not concerned about whether tithes had ever been paid on the goods or money. It is not his responsibility — he need not tithe. (He should, of course, be willing to give an offering according to how God has blessed him. More on offerings later.)
Gifts and Inheritances: No Tithes Necessary
Since Mr. Armstrong has judged, on the basis of the intent of the tithing law, that increase comes only as a result of "productive effort," it is clear that there is no command to tithe on gifts and inheritances. (Again, generous, cheerful offerings show our appreciation and are very pleasing to God.)
As an example, a man inherits $10,000. It did not come from his own; personal productive effort. (He should, however, give an offering — with the man himself allowed to decide the amount.) If the man invests any part of the $10,000, he must tithe on the earnings and/or the capital gains from the investment.
To illustrate the latter, suppose the same man invests $5,000 of the $10,000 in stocks. (He must, of course, always tithe on the dividends earned each year.) Now suppose the value of the stock increases to $8,000 in two years and the man decides to sell out -- what does he pay tithes on? Not his original $5,000 which he inherited — but the capital gained through his own effort.- $8,000 - $5,000 = $3,000. An individual tithes only on the increase earned through his own personal productive effort.
As another example, a woman receives a gift of an auto, since she expended NO productive effort, she does not tithe. (See principle of offerings!)
[Third Tithe, Welfare, Social Security]
Pensions, Union Funds etc.:No Tithes Necessary
The same overall principle can now be applied to all other types of welfare-type income or regular assistance programs. When no productive effort on the part of the recipient has been involved, no tithes are required. There are no tithes required on any of the above.
Other sources of income in this same category on which there is no necessity to tithe are unemployment and disability insurance, Medicare, veterans benefits, accident compensation, court settlements, child support, etc.
Since there are so many multitudinous variations of these types of assistance programs, in order to avoid letter-of-the-law technicalities, Mr. Armstrong has judged that tithes will not be required on any of them. (This enables the recipient to freely and thankfully give offerings as he is able.)
Mercy and Forgiveness:
[No Tithes on Accumulated Assets]
When a person comes to a knowledge of the truth (which includes tithing), he is not required to tithe on things acquired before this time. Thus exempted from tithes are all liquid and fixed assets at the time of conversion: all cash, stocks, bonds, businesses, properties, personal possessions, etc. No tithes are required on the capital (the "lump sum"), but tithes are, of course, to be paid on the increase (interest, dividends, rents, profits, etc.) from that time forth.
For example, if a person has a piano, painting, etc. at the time of his conversion and then, two years later, sells it for $50 or $5,000, no tithes are required. (Naturally, the greater one's personal assets, the greater the opportunity to serve God and His Work through voluntary offerings.)
However, when such possessions are a source of revenue to the individual — his business or a means of investment — he must tithe on the increase, or the capital gains, accrued from the time of conversion. An art dealer, for example, should have his paintings appraised so that he might accurately determine his increase whenever he should decide to sell any specific work.
The Blessings of Life:
Freewill Offerings to God
As we have seen, God has led Mr. Armstrong to conclude that there is no required tithe on many varieties of money and goods. This all the more puts the responsibility of service to God on the conscious volition of the individual. When no tithes are required, an individual's true relationship with God is put to the test.
God doesn't want people constantly worried about their precise tithing "obligations." Freely and cheerfully He has given, and so freely and cheerfully He wants His people to give.
We receive many things in our lives apart from the direct productive efforts of our own minds and hands. These are the "blessings of life" — and God just isn't all that concerned about charging for them. But God does appreciate seeing the same attitude in us. Not "Get." But "GIVE"! God has given to us — now we must learn to give to God. It's a process of "reciprocal give" — without the artificial obedience of absolute dictation and initiative-sapping regimentation. There is no better way to express it than Deutereonomy 16:17:
"Give as you are able, according as the Lord has blessed you." (Living /Bible)
"Each of you shall bring such a gift as he can in proportion to the blessing which the Lord your God has given you." (New English Bible)
"Every man must offer what he can afford, according as the Eternal your God has made you prosper." (Moffatt)
God wants us to show our love for Him, His Work, His humanity, and His world. He wants us to go above and beyond (Luke 17:10).
God wants us to consider our blessings in life —-and then give to Him accordingly, as Paul expresses in II Corinthians 9:6-7:
"But remember this -- if you give little, you will get little. A farmer who plants just a few seeds will get only a small crop, but if he plants much, he will reap much. Everyone must make up his own mind as to how much he should give. Don't force anyone to give more than he really wants to, for cheerful givers are the ones God prizes." (Living Letters)
"Mark this: He who sows sparingly will reap sparingly, and he who sows generously will reap a generous harvest. Everyone is to give what he has made up his mind to give: There is to be no grudging or compulsion about it. For God loves the giver who gives cheerfully.
"All I shall say is that poor sowing means a poor harvest, and generous sowing means a generous harvest. Let everyone give as his heart tells him, neither grudgingly nor under compulsion, for God loves the man who gives cheerfully." (Phillips)
Just doing "our [begrudging] duty" on a gift or inheritance would not develop anywhere near as much character or show anywhere near as much love as giving when it is not required. Oftentimes, an offering of considerably more than 10% can be appropriately and judiciously made. But this is entirely up to the individual!
Balance in giving must always be stressed. Some could conceivably give more than they should — possibly depriving their family of some essential commodities. God wants us to develop character by learning to be liberal in our support of His Work — cheerfully going over and above the tithes that He requires -- without losing balance. As Moffatt put it, "he is not asked to give what he has not got." (II Corinthians 8:12)
In practical fact, the principle of giving offerings on the blessings of life enables a person to express his own relationship with his Creator and Benefactor -- to show his love for God and zeal for His Work.
Review of Principles
Update of Policies
Ministerial Conference January 1973
Tithing for the Wage Earner:
Ten Percent of Gross Income
A wage earner must calculate all his tithes as ten percent of his gross income.
In certain circumstances, specific deductions can be made to generate an "adjusted gross income" on which tithes are paid. These deductions would include expenses needed for on-the-job travel — such as gasoline — if the company or employer did not reimburse the individual (e.g. many traveling salesmen). This on-the-job travel, remember, does not include the normal travel to and from the job.
Salary deductions — all taxes, welfare, insurance, pensions, etc. — are, not to be deducted. Also items such as uniforms, tools and union dues are not to be deducted.
In countries where tithes and offerings cannot be deducted from the income for tax purposes, and/or in countries with extremely high tax rates, there is still some question as to what really is an individual's "adjusted gross income." Further study will be made on the issue.
The Second Tithe:
Doctrine and Practical Application
Mr. McCullough is preparing a Good News article, which will thoroughly cover all aspects of second tithe. It will be based on the principles discussed and the decisions reached by Mr. Armstrong and the Evangelists — and the article will be submitted to them for editing and approval.
The Third Tithe:
Doctrine and Practical Application
Dr. Hoeh is preparing a Good News article which will thoroughly cover all aspects of third tithe. It too will be based on the principles discussed and the decisions reached by Mr. Armstrong and the Evangelists — and, likewise, the article will be submitted to them for editing and approval.
Stolen Tithes:
Repentance Is The Key
If a person has not paid his tithes, he has, in effect, stolen those tithes from God.
"'Will a man rob God? Surely not! And yet you have robbed me,' 'What do you mean? When did we ever rob you?' 'You have robbed me of the tithes and offerings due to me.'" (Malachi 3:8, Living Bible)
"May man defraud God, that you defraud me? You ask, 'How have we defrauded thee?' Why, in tithes and contributions." (Malachi 3:8, New English Bible)
"Will a man rob or defraud God? Yet you rob and defraud Me. But you say, In what way do we rob or defraud You? You have withheld your tithes and offerings." (Malachi 3:8, Amplified Bible)
Whether he voluntarily admits it or whether he was caught, the critical issue is whether the man or woman is really repentant.
If a person is really repentant, he is under the blood of Jesus Christ and is forgiven. God has totally forgiven him — and so must we! (The person's repentance is at least partially indicated by his desire to give especially generous offerings in recognition of his having stolen tithes in the past.)
If a person is NOT repentant, treat him as a thief and put him out of the Church.
(If a person has actually stolen money and/or properties [i.e. petty theft] directly from the Church, from an individual in the Church, or someone not in the Church, he must be willing to pay it back in full. Of course, any case of larceny or grand larceny must be reported to the civil authorities.)
Splitting the Tithable Income:
To Preserve A Converted - Unconverted Marriage
In a situation where a man in the Church has an antagonistic mate, he is allowed to consider, for the purpose of tithing, that his wife is entitled to half of his income. This means that the man will pay all three tithes, offerings, etc. on one-half of his income.
Christian Woman with an Unconverted Husband: Tithe or Don't Work — Unless Essential for the Family
The following are guidelines for situations where a workingwoman in the Church has an antagonistic husband who demands that she not tithe.
The woman is commanded to tithe on her income. She could quit work, otherwise she must tithe on her income otherwise she would be stealing from God. Exception: If the woman is required to work to supplement her husband's because of children or absolute family necessity - her income may be considered as not her money, but family income, since the husband has authority. But she should tithe even here IF her husband does not object.
Overall Guidelines:
In Individual Cases, Ministers Must Make Judgmental Decisions Based on the Foregoing Principles
Brought to you as a Study Resource by the
Church of God Faithful Flock
Review of Principles
Update of Policies
Ministerial Conference January 1973
It is vitally important that all ministers teach what God teaches about tithing. Based on God's Laws, God's Church must have a standard worldwide policy, thus assuring unified and consistent application.
The broad principles of tithing must be defined from the Bible and coordinated from Headquarters. Likewise, all matters of judgment based on these tithing principles must also be biblically founded and clearly spelled out from Pasadena. Such serious decisions must not be left to individuals in order that uniformity and consistency will be maintained throughout God's Church.
The following are overall guidelines prepared by Mr. Armstrong and the Evangelists for God's ministry. Individual ministers must make judgmental decisions based on these principles.
In practical fact, God's Laws are straightforward and simple.
The Basic Principles of Tithing;
Tithe on the Increase Received from Productive Effort
Every human being who earns an increase is required to tithe. God owns everything (Psalm 24:1; Haggai 2:8, etc.) -- and He therefore requires that we return to Him, for His Work, 10% of all our increase (Genesis 14:20, 28:22; Numbers 18; Hebrews 7). God's Law applies to all people, Israelite and non-Israelite, converted and unconverted.
Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong specifically wrote: tithe on 'increase' — we define 'increase' as what we receive as a result of our productive effort (This "productive effort" is most often our own individual personal productive effort. In the case of collective or group effort, either the group must tithe as a whole or each individual must tithe on his or her share.)
(We note that the term "productive effort" has a very broad range, including capital gains from property, dividends from stocks, interest from bank accounts, etc.)
Where the Responsibility Lies:
With the Earner, Not the Receiver
All wealth — all material goods and money — was produced and earned at some point by someone through personal productive effort. That person — the one who actually produced the goods or earned the money — is the one responsible before God for the tithe on that increase.
Anyone who receives a gift or inheritance — material goods or money earned or produced by someone else — is not responsible to pay tithes on what he receives. He is not concerned about whether tithes had ever been paid on the goods or money. It is not his responsibility — he need not tithe. (He should, of course, be willing to give an offering according to how God has blessed him. More on offerings later.)
Gifts and Inheritances: No Tithes Necessary
Since Mr. Armstrong has judged, on the basis of the intent of the tithing law, that increase comes only as a result of "productive effort," it is clear that there is no command to tithe on gifts and inheritances. (Again, generous, cheerful offerings show our appreciation and are very pleasing to God.)
As an example, a man inherits $10,000. It did not come from his own; personal productive effort. (He should, however, give an offering — with the man himself allowed to decide the amount.) If the man invests any part of the $10,000, he must tithe on the earnings and/or the capital gains from the investment.
To illustrate the latter, suppose the same man invests $5,000 of the $10,000 in stocks. (He must, of course, always tithe on the dividends earned each year.) Now suppose the value of the stock increases to $8,000 in two years and the man decides to sell out -- what does he pay tithes on? Not his original $5,000 which he inherited — but the capital gained through his own effort.- $8,000 - $5,000 = $3,000. An individual tithes only on the increase earned through his own personal productive effort.
As another example, a woman receives a gift of an auto, since she expended NO productive effort, she does not tithe. (See principle of offerings!)
[Third Tithe, Welfare, Social Security]
Pensions, Union Funds etc.:No Tithes Necessary
The same overall principle can now be applied to all other types of welfare-type income or regular assistance programs. When no productive effort on the part of the recipient has been involved, no tithes are required. There are no tithes required on any of the above.
Other sources of income in this same category on which there is no necessity to tithe are unemployment and disability insurance, Medicare, veterans benefits, accident compensation, court settlements, child support, etc.
Since there are so many multitudinous variations of these types of assistance programs, in order to avoid letter-of-the-law technicalities, Mr. Armstrong has judged that tithes will not be required on any of them. (This enables the recipient to freely and thankfully give offerings as he is able.)
Mercy and Forgiveness:
[No Tithes on Accumulated Assets]
When a person comes to a knowledge of the truth (which includes tithing), he is not required to tithe on things acquired before this time. Thus exempted from tithes are all liquid and fixed assets at the time of conversion: all cash, stocks, bonds, businesses, properties, personal possessions, etc. No tithes are required on the capital (the "lump sum"), but tithes are, of course, to be paid on the increase (interest, dividends, rents, profits, etc.) from that time forth.
For example, if a person has a piano, painting, etc. at the time of his conversion and then, two years later, sells it for $50 or $5,000, no tithes are required. (Naturally, the greater one's personal assets, the greater the opportunity to serve God and His Work through voluntary offerings.)
However, when such possessions are a source of revenue to the individual — his business or a means of investment — he must tithe on the increase, or the capital gains, accrued from the time of conversion. An art dealer, for example, should have his paintings appraised so that he might accurately determine his increase whenever he should decide to sell any specific work.
The Blessings of Life:
Freewill Offerings to God
As we have seen, God has led Mr. Armstrong to conclude that there is no required tithe on many varieties of money and goods. This all the more puts the responsibility of service to God on the conscious volition of the individual. When no tithes are required, an individual's true relationship with God is put to the test.
God doesn't want people constantly worried about their precise tithing "obligations." Freely and cheerfully He has given, and so freely and cheerfully He wants His people to give.
We receive many things in our lives apart from the direct productive efforts of our own minds and hands. These are the "blessings of life" — and God just isn't all that concerned about charging for them. But God does appreciate seeing the same attitude in us. Not "Get." But "GIVE"! God has given to us — now we must learn to give to God. It's a process of "reciprocal give" — without the artificial obedience of absolute dictation and initiative-sapping regimentation. There is no better way to express it than Deutereonomy 16:17:
"Give as you are able, according as the Lord has blessed you." (Living /Bible)
"Each of you shall bring such a gift as he can in proportion to the blessing which the Lord your God has given you." (New English Bible)
"Every man must offer what he can afford, according as the Eternal your God has made you prosper." (Moffatt)
God wants us to show our love for Him, His Work, His humanity, and His world. He wants us to go above and beyond (Luke 17:10).
God wants us to consider our blessings in life —-and then give to Him accordingly, as Paul expresses in II Corinthians 9:6-7:
"But remember this -- if you give little, you will get little. A farmer who plants just a few seeds will get only a small crop, but if he plants much, he will reap much. Everyone must make up his own mind as to how much he should give. Don't force anyone to give more than he really wants to, for cheerful givers are the ones God prizes." (Living Letters)
"Mark this: He who sows sparingly will reap sparingly, and he who sows generously will reap a generous harvest. Everyone is to give what he has made up his mind to give: There is to be no grudging or compulsion about it. For God loves the giver who gives cheerfully.
"All I shall say is that poor sowing means a poor harvest, and generous sowing means a generous harvest. Let everyone give as his heart tells him, neither grudgingly nor under compulsion, for God loves the man who gives cheerfully." (Phillips)
Just doing "our [begrudging] duty" on a gift or inheritance would not develop anywhere near as much character or show anywhere near as much love as giving when it is not required. Oftentimes, an offering of considerably more than 10% can be appropriately and judiciously made. But this is entirely up to the individual!
Balance in giving must always be stressed. Some could conceivably give more than they should — possibly depriving their family of some essential commodities. God wants us to develop character by learning to be liberal in our support of His Work — cheerfully going over and above the tithes that He requires -- without losing balance. As Moffatt put it, "he is not asked to give what he has not got." (II Corinthians 8:12)
In practical fact, the principle of giving offerings on the blessings of life enables a person to express his own relationship with his Creator and Benefactor -- to show his love for God and zeal for His Work.
Review of Principles
Update of Policies
Ministerial Conference January 1973
Tithing for the Wage Earner:
Ten Percent of Gross Income
A wage earner must calculate all his tithes as ten percent of his gross income.
In certain circumstances, specific deductions can be made to generate an "adjusted gross income" on which tithes are paid. These deductions would include expenses needed for on-the-job travel — such as gasoline — if the company or employer did not reimburse the individual (e.g. many traveling salesmen). This on-the-job travel, remember, does not include the normal travel to and from the job.
Salary deductions — all taxes, welfare, insurance, pensions, etc. — are, not to be deducted. Also items such as uniforms, tools and union dues are not to be deducted.
In countries where tithes and offerings cannot be deducted from the income for tax purposes, and/or in countries with extremely high tax rates, there is still some question as to what really is an individual's "adjusted gross income." Further study will be made on the issue.
The Second Tithe:
Doctrine and Practical Application
Mr. McCullough is preparing a Good News article, which will thoroughly cover all aspects of second tithe. It will be based on the principles discussed and the decisions reached by Mr. Armstrong and the Evangelists — and the article will be submitted to them for editing and approval.
The Third Tithe:
Doctrine and Practical Application
Dr. Hoeh is preparing a Good News article which will thoroughly cover all aspects of third tithe. It too will be based on the principles discussed and the decisions reached by Mr. Armstrong and the Evangelists — and, likewise, the article will be submitted to them for editing and approval.
Stolen Tithes:
Repentance Is The Key
If a person has not paid his tithes, he has, in effect, stolen those tithes from God.
"'Will a man rob God? Surely not! And yet you have robbed me,' 'What do you mean? When did we ever rob you?' 'You have robbed me of the tithes and offerings due to me.'" (Malachi 3:8, Living Bible)
"May man defraud God, that you defraud me? You ask, 'How have we defrauded thee?' Why, in tithes and contributions." (Malachi 3:8, New English Bible)
"Will a man rob or defraud God? Yet you rob and defraud Me. But you say, In what way do we rob or defraud You? You have withheld your tithes and offerings." (Malachi 3:8, Amplified Bible)
Whether he voluntarily admits it or whether he was caught, the critical issue is whether the man or woman is really repentant.
If a person is really repentant, he is under the blood of Jesus Christ and is forgiven. God has totally forgiven him — and so must we! (The person's repentance is at least partially indicated by his desire to give especially generous offerings in recognition of his having stolen tithes in the past.)
If a person is NOT repentant, treat him as a thief and put him out of the Church.
(If a person has actually stolen money and/or properties [i.e. petty theft] directly from the Church, from an individual in the Church, or someone not in the Church, he must be willing to pay it back in full. Of course, any case of larceny or grand larceny must be reported to the civil authorities.)
Splitting the Tithable Income:
To Preserve A Converted - Unconverted Marriage
In a situation where a man in the Church has an antagonistic mate, he is allowed to consider, for the purpose of tithing, that his wife is entitled to half of his income. This means that the man will pay all three tithes, offerings, etc. on one-half of his income.
Christian Woman with an Unconverted Husband: Tithe or Don't Work — Unless Essential for the Family
The following are guidelines for situations where a workingwoman in the Church has an antagonistic husband who demands that she not tithe.
The woman is commanded to tithe on her income. She could quit work, otherwise she must tithe on her income otherwise she would be stealing from God. Exception: If the woman is required to work to supplement her husband's because of children or absolute family necessity - her income may be considered as not her money, but family income, since the husband has authority. But she should tithe even here IF her husband does not object.
Overall Guidelines:
In Individual Cases, Ministers Must Make Judgmental Decisions Based on the Foregoing Principles
Brought to you as a Study Resource by the
Church of God Faithful Flock
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