Saturday, September 29, 2007

You can have happy marriage

You can have happy marriage People simply do not want to admit that God created the marriage union! And unless those laws of God are obeyed, marriages will fail.Laws Govern marriage. And those laws are living. Gravity as a example-no gravity how swift and sure would penalties be? God invented marriage. The reason you have all the fighting and problems in marriage is because of laws being broken.Marriage is physical but divine in origin. Matt 19:4-6. Once bound in heaven,that contract is unalterably in effect until death.WIFE Eph. 5:23-Husband is head of the wife.Eph.5:22- Wives submit unto your husband.1 Cor. 11:3-Paul mentions again--head of wife.1 Cor.11:8-9- Woman was created for man.1 Pet 3:1- Wives be in subjection1 Pet 3:5-6 – Example of Sara, obeyed Abraham and called him Lord.She was humble to God....nowadays deemed old fashioned or outdated


Husband is not to be tyrant but responsible Eph 5:25-26. Christ gave Himself for the Church. Husbands are to love their wives in the same manner.Eph 5:28-He that loves his wife loves himself1 Tim 5:8- God is provider,protector, and ruler over His Church. So is the man to fulfill that office towards his wife. God demands this.That he support,protect, and provide for His wife.Have deep understanding when unpleasant situations occur. It means overlooking some of the weaknesses, the faults, the mistakes. It does not mean condoning wrong conduct, but means totally different attitude in correcting such problems. Husband should be just as patient and loving as Christ is.A woman should not assume man's responsibility. Alot of men not brought up and shown how to be head of household. A woman should temp.step in and help...but encourage husband to get to where he needs to be without anger. She is a helpmate. 1 Tim. 2:121 Tim.3:4-5. Man is commanded to rule his own house.Isa.3:12- Is this how God indicts me Women should be in charge of housekeeping unless sick. Husband can help out. But she is in charge of housekeeping.Husband and wife are a team. But not 50-50. It is 100-100 proposition,it is all the way for each partner. All the time. Husband gives a 100%to wife and wife gives 100% to husband.Titus 2:4-5 Women keepers of home. That is the command of what is wrong then with that.1 Cor.11:3,8-9 Eph.5:22-24.....notice word "even as" Husband is head of wife even as Christ is Head of His Church. These verses aimed at husband. God holds the man responsible. God is pointing these commands directly to the man;who is to be the head. He is not the head because the wife says "ok" I will let him be the head. No God made him the head.Col 3:18 1Cor.7:12-14- Yes as "unfair" as it may sound to some women-God says that if the husband is totally selfish and not "God oriented", but if he is pleased to dwell with her and if he provides and supports her as his wife-she is commanded on the authority of the Word of God to honor him, to reverence him, to be humble and submissive to him and not leave him. She is to be subject to him in everything-so long as his commands do not directly conflict with the higher commands of God.Marriage is a profession-and it takes a lot of skill to really succeed at any marriage.Have bible study in morning with kids. Husband lead,wife follow second and the children maintain their place as God intended. Husband pray wife add then children. Do not let anything interfere with this.Is foundation of your home. God and his laws or the world and its ways.

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