Saturday, September 29, 2007


There has to be a leader....with the Law of Love it is fine. It works.Two can't walk together except they be agreed. They were in total agreement and cooperation. Also two can't walk together in continuous peace except one be the head, or leader, in control. God was leader.

Character is ability to choose the true values from the false, right from wrong, and to WILL to do the right -- even against self-desire.Character may be defined as the ability of a conscious thinking entity to choose the way of life of outflowing LOVE -- God's law -- and to will to live that way of life, even under outside contrary pressure or contrary self-desire.

Once CHARACTER had been formed and lived, angels, composed of spirit,could never change. I compare it to the pouring of cement or concrete.When first poured its form and shape changes -- but once "set," it is hardened and cannot be reshaped or formed.Lucifer had been trained in the administration of God's government on the very throne of God in heaven. He was supremely beautiful, dazzling in brightness. Vanity seized him. Vanity is self-glory,self-centeredness, concern for self even to the point of hostility toward others. He became jealous, envious, resentful and hostile against God his Creator. He turned hostile to the law of God. He turned to a way of life of vanity, covetousness, envy, rivalry,competition, violence and destruction. And this hostile way of life is itself a LAW. It is the law of vanity, self- concern, "do your own thing," rebel against the authority of God. That, then, became the basic LAW of the GOVERNMENT of Lucifer, whose name was changed to Satan the devil. The name Satan means "adversary."

We were created to become part of God's family. Image=character Gen 1:26

Jesus, in referring to the present evil world, said it is built on a foundation of the sand of Satan's way of vanity, covetousness, envy and jealousy, competition and strife, violence, rebellion, contention,unhappiness, suffering and death. THIS WORLD IS DOOMED TO CRASH! And great shall be the fall thereof.

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