Saturday, September 29, 2007


Dress for Sabbath in best you have. Fellowshipping with Christ and God Phil 4:11 Be content whatever the circumstances.Isa 58:13 Do not speak own about Bible.Do you put yourself above God's word. How prideful are you Only one passage in NT with direct instruction to assemble together.Heb.10:24-25."not forsaking the assembly" means not to abandon, desert attending, refuse to assemble. If you live where there is no Church...then you are not doing the above.."because attendance is not in your power.11 Thes 3:6,14 Rom 16:17 God is strict on this. Are some trying to be more kind and merciful then God. We must not compromise. God does not.It is a command. We convict ourselves of disobedience if we do not follow.

Revelation 3Key of David v7 is truth about Israel. V8 gospel going out as it did."Denied my name" kept name of true Church..Church of God.Little Strength...smallness of group...prove God's power.Kept commands Synagogue of Satan Churches of world v9v9 worship how can a human worship another human and it not be idolatry.. Only way is changed from human to divine(those who are worshipped will have become as God. God's true ones know the purpose of life and the incredible human potentiality10 place of safety Rev 12:14v11 make sure no one else gets your reward v12 pillar have permanent position like a pillar. Leader. Never fall away from or lose our and secure write name...New name. Will have Family name of God and own personal name of honor and one else will have. Mine alone.V13 understand the other letters written to the churches.

Is god above all else in your life or are there other idols.Unless God's own CHARACTER is being formed and developed in your mind and your life, replacing the carnality that is there now, you shall have missed your GOAL.God's PURPOSE is to CREATE within you, during this life, a new andperfect CHARACTER, so that you may be given eternal life -self-containing, inherent life.Have to develop character to have eternal life.You can only succeed if your GOAL is kept constantly - continually -before your eyes.When you drive a car, if you take your eyes and attention off what is in front of you (and sometimes coming from the side or behind) even for two or three seconds, you may find yourself "coming to" in a hospital, dying and saying "It all happened so suddenly!"Driving carefully means BEING ALERT - being DILIGENT every second -KEEPING YOUR EYE and your mind and attention on the matter of DRIVING- not on conversation or other things.In the same manner, if you let other interests, material pursuits,steal first place in your mind and heart and interest, even for a few days, you are in danger of a SPIRITUAL SMASHUP that will let you wake up being plunged into the LAKE OF FIRE, which will mean eternal DEATH.That's why God doesn't want you to have these other gods BEFORE Him.For your own sake - in your own interest - you must keep Him enthroned and enshrined constantly ABOVE ALL.You either GROW spiritually - in knowledge - in grace - in God'scharacter - or you deteriorate back toward becoming a mere physical animal, to die in ETERNAL PUNISHMENT in the lake of fire!But if God, and the things of God - His revealed knowledge - His law -His love - His WAY for you to live - are constantly foremost in your mind, your thoughts, your interest, then you are PRAYING ALWAYS - that is, in a constant SPIRIT OF PRAYER - a constant MENTAL ATTITUDE of prayer.The contact with God must be perpetual!This kind of Christian life - the only kind that truly is Christian -requires, as the Bible emphasizes repeatedly, zealous DILIGENCE. YOU must CONCENTRATE on it. You must be DEDICATED to it. It requires utterCONSECRATION. It requires total EARNESTNESS.He possessed LEADERSHIP, STRENGTH, PURPOSE, SUPREME STRONG WILL - andyet these masculine qualities of strength and power were perfectlyblended with wisdom, judgment, knowledge, understanding, justice and also patience, compassion and mercy. He was filled with PEACE, LOVE,FAITH.And His WILL, strong as it was, was totally yielded and obedient to GOD. All this was the character of GOD.He is our PATTERN. We must imitate Him - copy Him.God did not tell Abraham HOW or WHEN He would fulfill His promises. He will do it HOW and WHEN He wills, not when we will.What is purpose of ressurectionSo now, if and when you really REPENT of your transgressions, and whenyou BELIEVE, not only IN Christ, but also HIS GOSPEL, your penaltystands PAID IN FULL - you are RECONCILED to God - you have ACCESS toGod the Father!You are now JUSTIFIED. Your guilt is wiped CLEAN - up to THAT moment!You are UNDER GRACE - that is, undeserved PARDON for past transgressions.But that GRACE gives you no license to continue in sin! As the apostle Paul wrote: "What shall we say then? Shall we CONTINUE in sin[transgressing God's LAW], that grace may abound? God FORBID" (Rom.6:1-2). Justification refers only to a guilty PAST!The man who could not tithe Yet so many say, "I don't think it would be right for me to tithe while I'm in debt." Yes, it is right, and the other way is WRONG."There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereofare the ways of death" (Prov. 14:12, 16:25). God's Word tells us what is RIGHT, and God tells us to pay to His Work the firstfruits of all our income (Prov. 3:9-10).Regarding our material and financial needs, even debts, God says,"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matt. 6:33). The tithe is the debt that you owe God. This debt is FIRST in time and principle. Pay your debts to God, make Him your PARTNER in your finances and receive His blessing in temporal affairs. This will enable you to pay your debts, or to get a job, or to have your needs supplied more quickly than if you evade His debt.Remember your ALL belongs to HIM, not to you (Deut. 10:14). You are in the position of steward handling that which belongs to another. He is your silent partner, and the first tenth, in addition to offerings, is His share. The rest He gives freely to you.But if you appropriate for yourself His share, you are stealing, and ROBBING GOD (Mal. 3:8). Would you pay your debts with money another man had left in your trust? If a man working in a bank does that, we call it embezzlement!How you can overcome We can't save ourselves — GOD must save us!But He does it by changing us, through His indwelling divine supernatural power, from what we have been into the holy, righteous characters He wills to make of us! He does it by forgiving past sins not only, but cleansing us from sinning now and in the future!He sent His Son into the world to be tempted in all points as we are —human as we are — to prove that a human can, with the help of the Spirit of God, live without sin — TO SET AN EXAMPLE FOR US THAT WE SHOULD FOLLOW HIS STEPS and live also without sinning!Receive God's power Jesus showed by His life that we can, if we rely upon God in faith for the power to do, live the way of God's will as expressed in His spiritual law! Of Himself, even Jesus said He could not do it — "the Father that dwelleth in me," He said, "HE doeth the works" (John14:10). And again, "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also" (verse 12).And so it was that, almost the same instant the temptation to doubt the final result came to my mind, as I thought of my own weaknesses,faults and limitations, the answer flashed strong and firm:"GOD WON'T LET ME FALL! He may punish me more yet to chasten and teachme and make me righteous, but He won't let me fail — He will imputeHis very own righteousness by implanting it into my life until,through His power energizing me, I'm really living it — ETERNALLY!"And that comforting and definite ASSURANCE of the final result, based on God's own unbreakable PROMISES, just warmed my heart and made me feel good clear through — and so I had to share this glorious assurance with all of you! Read Jude 24 and II Peter 1:10.He can who thinks he can But wisdom is more than knowledge and under-standing. It is ability to use both,and come to a right and wise decision.I began to learn that there is something very practical in all this.I began to learn that, if I submitted my life to God's guidance, I was tapping a source of POWER millions of times greater than any resources within.I learned that there are the THREE DIMENSIONS — the within, the around and the above.Most people cheat themselves by utilizing only the first two. In their lives there are only these two dimensions on which to rely.Looking into the within is like looking into a well and finding it has gone dry.Relying on the within, they become self-centered. Their concern is primarily for self. So they become selfish.They develop greed, desire to have, to GET, to take, to accumulate.They measure success in terms of material accumulation. Toward others they are unconcerned, envious, jealous, suspicious. They live in a spirit of competition.Their self-centered thinking results in constantly shrinking horizons.They may develop latent talents, arouse ambition for self-gain,develop their own inner powers and resources, but those resources arecomparatively meager. They try to find happiness in material acquisition, but that is not the source of happiness.Then, of course, there is the pull of human nature to CONFORM — to BELONG. So the dimension of the around fills a big part of their lives.But those around them are self-centered too, trying to get the best of them in every deal. They, too, center their affections on material acquisition. They constitute an unhappy world. They are bent on getting, and too often you find they are jealous or envious or resentful toward you. You find that their concern is for themselves,rather than for your welfare or happiness. You trust them, and too often find them untrustworthy.There's not much in the way of resources to be found in the around,but many disillusioning disappointments.But what about the third dimension — the above? Could it be possible that most of humanity has been failing to tap the source of theg reatest resources and meaningful, rewarding benefits?In James 1:5-6: "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given tohim. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting."So I took God up on this promise through the writing of James. I asked for wisdom.I believed I would be given wisdom, since God had PROMISED it, on my asking — and God could not break His promise. I received wisdom."Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, theLord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary. There is no searching of His understanding. He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength. . . .those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength" (Isa. 40:12-15,17-18, 22, 26, 28-31).People often ask me why I stay young — and where do I get my energy?The above verses give me a promise — provide a source of resources that I rely on.Yes, I found, 56 years ago, a far more practical and resultful confidence than self-confidence. I found the confidence that isFAITH.It is reliance on the supreme great God, whose greatness is described above.His resources are total. They are unlimited. The wealth and the resources of the entire universe are His. He is the SOURCE of all power, of all good, of all that is desirable.He is not only the great Creator. He is the supreme RULER of the universe. He is the great educator, the source of basic knowledge.He is the great GIVER! He gave His only begotten Son — for our redemption. He gives power and strength. He supplies all our needs. He gives wisdom. He has EVERYTHING to give that is GOOD.James tells us to count it all joy when trials, ordeals, reverses,beset us (Jas. 1:2). Troubles a JOY? That's pretty hard to accept,isn't it? And, for the average person, a lot harder to put intopractice.Few find any pleasure, let alone JOY, in the obstacles and troublesthey encounter. Yet this biblical teaching says we ought so to countthem. There is a reason, although few understand it.In one of the Psalms you'll read that the righteous are going to haveto bear many afflictions. But, it promises, the Eternal will deliverus out of them all - if we believe and trust Him (Ps. 34:19)!Again, it is through much tribulation that we must enter the Kingdomof God (Acts 14:22). WHY? There's a reason!Such character is the attainment of the ability, in a separate,independent entity of free moral agency to be able to discern right from wrong - the true values from the false - truth from error - the right way from the wrong, and then to make the right CHOICE or DECISION, even against self-desire, impulse or temptation, plus the WILL and self-discipline to resist the wrong and to DO the right.A true Christian doesn't want to sin - should not. But sometimes he finds himself caught in the vise of habit, or overwhelmed by temptation or by circumstances from which he is unable to free himself.Surely, had such a one been continually praying, keeping himself close to God and detached from the world or its lures or the temptations ofthe flesh, he probably would have had sufficient divine help to haveprevented the sinning. But only Jesus Christ ever did keep that closeto God!God looks on the heart. In such a case, the Christian does not sinmaliciously, with malice aforethought. He is merely caught in the vortex of a temptation that sucks him helplessly down into the sin.Then he is terribly sorry. He is disgusted with himself. He repents.He goes to work to overcome. He may not succeed, due to human weakness, at once. But he remains determined and finally does, with God's help, overcome completely.Many a true Christian has had such a struggle over a particular human weakness and temptation, and after even several setbacks, finally,through God's power, won the victory and fought his way free.God looks on the heart. God FORGIVES in such cases. The living Christ,our High Priest, has compassion, is filled with mercy - as long as the attitude is right, the desire of the inner man is to conquer the flesh and overcome the temptation and be FREE from it entirely.In the end, it is GOD who gives the victory. But, in such a struggle,the Christian DEVELOPS CHARACTER.

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