Saturday, September 29, 2007


Physical solutions do not work for spiritual problems. Turn from human way of solutions to God's way of solutions.God chastise us to correct our course....not to get even with us.God wants us to experience sin in this life and it's consequences. See problem of sin and it's wrongness.God creates....sin destroys what God creates.If you sin the primary one effected is going to be you. Sin destroys us. Sin a result we have to be destroyed.When we miss the mark....destruction is the result. Sin rebounds to destroy the person. We will be destroyed because we are a part of this sin.Spiritual battlefield Satan wants to stop our spirit from working with God's spirit. Stop us from becoming child of God.Wants to stop the process that allow a child of God to be created.Resist the devil...he must flee James 4:7. Go away...leave me alone.Good spirit can have flesh and bones and can eat. Evil spirit cannot manifest themselves as righteous angels....cannot appear as flesh and blood..cannot eat and drink.Satan cannot get at us directly because he is chained in this area...he is limited. Attitude and others he can use against us.Begotten of spirit changes us over time. Human being into a God.Jn. 14:13. Satan had nothing in Christ. Same way we need to be.After baptism... spirit minuscule...then growth takes place...mind comes more and more converted..until we are born God beings.11 Cor. 3:3 Sin is violation of the principle or intended meaning of the law.If they persecuted Christ...they will persecute you. Counting the costs. Are you willing to suffer whatever He allows.Work started with 19 members. August 1933HEALING Either follow truth or suffer consequences.1Jn 3:22 We ask...we receive..because we keep his commandments.Ex 15:26 God is healer Healing is the forgiveness of physical sin.. None but God can forgive sin. None but God heals! God is a jealous God. He is not going to allow anyone else to heal. Medicine and drugs do not heal..cannotheal.God wants His people to rely on trust him. He wants to do things for us that we cannot do for ourselves. He wants us to learn lesson of faith.There can be no law without a penalty for its transgression. God never compromises with His Laws or their penalties. Once a law is transgressed a penalty is incurred. Once a penalty is incurred it must be paid. God never suspends the penalty.Made of matter that function to physical laws. Those laws when transgressed,exact a penalty. When you get sick...lawtransgressed....could be accident or testing as Job. Neverless sickness and disease are the penalty being paid for physical broken law. God demands penalty be paid.Matt 8:16-17. Jesus paid the penalty in our stead. Isa 52:14-15 Isa53:3-6 1 Pet 2:22,24. Healing does not mean that God suspends the penalty so that no penalty is paid. Instead Jesus has already paid it for us. Therefore God may legally remove the penalty from the human sufferer.God allowed His Son to pay for our physical sin..beating..scourging.He was willing to let this happen to relieve us from pain, suffering or that without violating any principle of His law we may be healed. Ps 103:8-13. We need to realize God's love and compassion.Christ paid penalty for sicknesses. Go to God for the healing.Penalty has to be paid. Medical science tries to prevent God's law from exacting it's penalty.Doctors, medicines and drugs can no more forgive physical sins then spiritual sins. These cannot patient and assured that God will heal you. It is a promise.Spiritually believe in the healing. Do not let physical senses override.Faith is assurance that the things which God said in His word are true and God will act according to what He said in His word. This confidence is faith. Trust God! Quit worrying.God cannot break a promise. Claim promises. God promises to supply every need. Matt 6:33Get Christ faith by drawing close to God.Obey God's commandments....with God it is possible to obey with His spirit.Religions of world practice dead faith.Healing according to your faith. Do not look down upon others who have weak faith. Help those who are weak.God is a healing God.Insulin not a drug or medicine. Hormone that body needs. Have to be able to properly distinguish.Faith and being obedient is key to healing. 1 Jn 3:22 and James 5:15Doctors can help....child delivery....mending broken bones and the such Doubter in God' power to heal denies God's promises.How many millions die under medical care..yet people have faith in medical doctors and not God. People trust man.....but not God????Ps 103:3 How can believe one and not the other.

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