Saturday, September 29, 2007


Where are we now in paranormal of world events But I hasten to add if this catastrophic World War III does explode,that will be the definite ASSURANCE that WORLD PEACE in the utopian WORLD TOMORROW is imminently to follow. I would rather picture to our readers a future of WORLD HOPE than of horrifying world disaster. But we live in a troubled world with unprecedented evils piled mountain-high. And the trend is foreboding - not reassuring. It will get darker before the DAWN. The important thing is that the DAWN is absolutely assured by the living Creator GOD!

To God I said, "YES, SIR!" In utter sincerity, I literally GAVE MYSELF to Jesus Christ. He had bought and paid for me with His life's blood.He OWNED me. I BELONGED TO HIM! I became a YES-MAN to Christ!

7 proofs of Church of God and gospel mal 3:1 1st coming Mark 1:1 quotes mal 3:1 2 thru 6 2nd coming Now came the urgent desire to find the ONE and ONLY true Church of God as founded A.D. 31 by Jesus Christ. He had said (Matthew 16:18) that His Church would not die but continue through the generations.My intensive biblical studies had shown me the basic evidences that would identify that continuing original Church.

1) It would have rightly discerned the revealed TRUTH of God as contained in His Word, the Holy Bible. I had learned that GOD is the Source of knowledge, and He REVEALS that knowledge through His written Word. This Word, remember, I had PROVED by irrefutable PROOF the divine inspiration and SUPREME AUTHORITY of the Holy Bible as the revealed Word of God. God is the supreme Educator - Revealer of TRUTH.

2) It would be, not a human secular organization, but a SPIRITUAL ORGANISM, yet WELL ORGANIZED on God's revealed pattern. It would be composed of begotten children of God - the "... household of God ...built upon the foundation of the apostles and the prophets," with Jesus Christ its guiding HEAD (Ephesians 2:19-20), as a "... building fitly framed together groweth unto an HOLY TEMPLE in the Lord" (verse21) "... from whom the whole body [is] fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth ..." (Ephesians 4:16).It would have UNDERSTANDING of GODS TRUTH. And it would be PRODUCING ABUNDANT FRUIT.

Proof 1 – Who and What is God
The true understanding of the very identity of God is one proof." ( Acts 17 verses 22-26). WHO IS GOD? CREATION is the basic proof of God. These Athenian Epicureans and Stoics did not even know that.Perhaps the adherents of many religions do not.But in chapter 2, Moses began adding another name for God - Yahweh in the Hebrew, usually combined with Elohim - as Yahweh Elohim. In the King James English translation it is rendered "LORD God," which is somewhat misleading.It is interesting, at this point, to explain this name Yahweh. There is no one word in the English language that adequately translates it.It means "the self-existent, eternal living creative one." The Moffatt translation renders it "the Eternal." The Ferrar Fenton translation uses "the Ever-Living." Personally, to use only one word, I prefer to use "the Eternal" instead of "the LORD."God Family(Elohim). Potential to be part of this family. Holy Spirit is power of God and Christ. Not a being. Improperly translated in KJV as he...should be it as is mentioned in some places. Christ is God of Old testament. Acts 10:45 John 1:1 Eph 3:9 God reveals that He is Spirit-composed (John 4:24). Unless supernaturally manifested, spirit is invisible to human eyes. Jesus said to His disciples, "... Ye have neither heard his voice... nor seen his shape." (John 5:37). Later, "Philip saith unto him, Lord,shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us." Jesus answered "... Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? He that hath seen me hath seen the Father..." (John 14:8-9). WHY? Because God the Father-if human eyes could see - looks like Jesus. And what did Jesus look like? Certainly NOT like pictures you have seen supposed to picture Him. For one thing, HE DID NOT HAVE LONG HAIR (ICorinthians 11:14). He looked like other Jews then in Judea, else the chief priests would not have paid Judas Iscariot 30 pieces of silver to identify Him. Now notice once again Genesis 1:26: "... God (Elohim)said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness [form and shape]..." God is described in the Bible as having eyes, ears, nose,mouth - hair on His head - arms, legs, fingers, toes. Jesus was "...the express image of his [the Father's] Person..." (Hebrews 1:3).

Proof number 2 - The government of God and the creation of holy righteous character As Creator, the most important feat of creation is holy, righteous CHARACTER.
That is so stupendous an accomplishment that even the GREAT MAJESTIC GOD, in all His matchless supernatural power, cannot create such character instantaneously or automatically by fiat. That ought to take the reader's breath! Is there actually something that even GOD cannot do - by Himself alone? Such character is the ability of a separate conscious, thinking entity with free moral agency - capacity for free choice - to come to KNOW the right from wrong, good from evil, to make the decision, and then with God's help exercise the WILL to DO the right or good, even contrary to self-desire.God's spiritual law is the way of God's holy, righteous CHARACTER.

Proof 3 - What and Why is man
WHY did the Creator God put MAN on the earth? To improve the physical earth as God gave it to man, finishing its creation, which sinning angels had deliberately refused to do. And in so doing to RESTORE THE GOVERNMENT OF GOD, with God's WAY of life, and, further, in this very process FINISHING THE CREATION OF MAN by the development of God's holy, righteous CHARACTER, with man's own assent. Once this perfect and righteous character is instilled in man and man converted from mortal to immortal spirit, then is to come the INCREDIBLE HUMAN POTENTIAL - man being BORN INTO the divine FAMILY of God and then participating in the completion of the CREATION of the entire endless expanse of the UNIVERSE!God creates, as previously mentioned, by the principle of DUALITY. So it is with the creation of MAN. It is accomplished in TWO STAGES:
1)the physical phase, which began with the first man, Adam; and

2) the spiritual stage, which begins with the "second Adam," Jesus Christ (ICorinthians 15:45-46).Remember God's PURPOSE in creating man on the earth:

1) to restore the GOVERNMENT OF GOD on earth, and by regulating human life through that GOVERNMENT,
a) complete the physical creation of earth where angels turned it to ruin, and b) in the process complete the creation of MAN by developing righteous spiritual CHARACTER: and

2) establishing the KINGDOM OF GOD and eventually the incredible human potential of finishing the creation of the vast UNIVERSE. This supreme PURPOSE required:
1) that MAN reject Satan's WAY, embracing GOD'S WAY of LOVE,based on God's spiritual law, and
2) that man be made first of matter so that, if he was led into Satan's way of GET, he could be CHANGED,converted to GOD'S WAY of LOVE.Spirit, once a finished creation, as angels became evil characters,cannot be changed! Spirit is constant and eternal - not subject to change. But physical matter is constantly changing.The third of the angels (Revelation 12:4) on earth completed their creations by developing evil character - sinning (II Peter 2:4). The super archangel Lucifer (Isaiah 14:12-14) had been perfect in all his ways from the day of his initial creation, till iniquity - lawlessness- was found in him (Ezekiel 28:12-17). Lucifer was not satisfied with rule over only the one planet - as the testing ground to prepare him for all planets. He wanted to rule all at once. He said,"... I will exalt my throne above the stars of God..." (Isaiah 14:13). He had been created with exceeding beauty, which "lifted up his heart" in vanity(Ezekiel 28:17). He became lustful, jealous and envious of God,decided on a WAR of invasion attempting to overthrow God on the heavenly throne of the universe. He led his angels into rebellion.These angels "... kept not their first estate, but left their own habitations..." - earth! (Jude 6). But Lucifer and his angels were cast back down to earth (Revelation 12:4). The creation of this third of all angels was finished - creation of evil character within them completed. Once their creation was completed, being spirit, they could never change! And they are immortal! The GOVERNMENT OF GOD no longer was operative on earth! Lucifer's name was changed to Satan the devil.His angels became demons. Their minds had become perverted for eternity.Through God's master plan for His Spiritual creation, to be covered later, it had been master-planned by God and the Word that the Word would divest Himself of His supreme glory, and in due time take on Him the likeness of human flesh as Jesus Christ, making possible the spiritual phase of the creation of MAN - God REPRODUCING HIMSELF!The most universal false teaching, believed by virtually all churches called Christianity, except the one and only true and original Church of God is that ALL are automatically lost unless they profess Jesus Christ as Savior - and that now is the only day of salvation. Those cut off from God are NOT lost - unless called and then lost. They are simply NOT YET JUDGED! All so far called since Adam have been called,not alone for salvation, but primarily for special mission - and salvation goes along automatically if they do repent, believe, receive and be led by the Holy Spirit.

Proof 4 - The truth about Israel
The Holy Bible is essentially the book of and concerning the nation Israel. It is concerned with other nations only as they come into contact with Israel.One reason God raised up ancient Israel was to prove, eventually (not yet realized) to all humanity that the carnal mind with all its intellectual accomplishments simply will not accept and live by the revealed knowledge of GOD - even though God should reveal it to them.(Romans 1:20-21).God DID NOT give them His Holy Spirit. He gave that only to Moses and the prophets - all specially called. But God did give them His spiritual LAW. As a substitute for the shed blood of Christ, He gave them animal sacrifices, which could not remit sins - were only a reminder of sin. He gave them also, as a temporary substitute for the Holy Spirit, a law of physical rituals, meat and drink offerings andcarnal ordinances. These instilled the habit of obedience. Then, of course, as a civil nation He gave them His GOVERNMENT, with its basic spiritual law and its statutes and judgments. He gave them HIS SYSTEM of government - authority from the TOP DOWN. God Himself was their Congress, Parliament, Knesset or Diet. He, through Moses, was their Law-giver. Under God was "the Word" - Yahweh - who was to become Christ. Under Him was Moses. Under Moses were captains over thousands,captains over hundreds, over fifties. When Aaron and their sister Miriam wanted equal authority in the government with Moses, God punished! When Korah and his group wanted equal "say-so" and authority, God destroyed them. It was GOD - not the people - who chose and put Moses in authority. There was no democracy.God said to Eli, "Wherefore... honorest thy sons above me?..." (ISamuel 2:29) and decreed they should die. When news came to Eli, past 90 years, that his sons had been killed and the ark of God taken in battle, Eli fell backward, broke his neck and died! Perhaps another evidence of the Worldwide Church of God being the one original Church of God is that its apostle did remove his son, who was secularizing God's Church and college, besides other sins. It is a difficult and heartbreaking thing for a father to have to do. Eli honored his sinning sons, holding priestly office, above God. God's apostle of our day, crushing and heartbreaking though it be, was given the courage by the living Christ to do that very difficult thing.So here is another TRUTH unknown in the teachings of most churches called Christianity - Israel was divided into two nations - and the people of the kingdom of Israel were NOT Jews, nor are they ever called Jews in the Bible! The first place where the word Jew or Jews occurs in the Bible is in II Kings 16:5-6, where ISRAEL and ally Syria were AT WAR against THE JEWS!But the nation thereupon rejected King Rehoboam and made Jeroboam king. However, the tribe of Judah, with Benjamin, seceded in order to maintain David's dynasty and formed the new kingdom of JUDAH. Jeroboam established the capital over the kingdom of Israel at Samaria, north of Jerusalem. And so the Israelitish nation was now divided into two NATIONS - the kingdom of Israel with its capital at Samaria and the kingdom of Judah with Jerusalem its capital. Often, in biblical history, they were called, respectively, the "house of Israel " and the "house of Judah." Jeroboam immediately led Israel into idolatry.After a succession of 10 kings and seven dynasties of continuous idolatry and other sins, God drove the house of Israel into captivity.King Shalmaneser of Assyria conquered them in a siege from 721 to 718B.C., removing them from their land, carrying them as slaves to Assyria on the southern shores of the Caspian Sea. Shalmaneser there upon "... brought men from Babylon..." - and other cities following the Babylonian Mystery religion - "... and placed them in the cities of Samaria instead of the children of Israel: and they possessed Samaria, and dwelt in the cities thereof" (II Kings17:23-24). But those of the house of Israel did not remain more than a generation or so in Assyria. They migrated northwest. They became known as "the LOST Ten Tribes." And indeed they were doubly lost -lost in identity until they themelves, after a generation or more, did not know who they were - and lost spiritually from God.By about 604 B.C. King Nebuchadnezzar had become king over the world's FIRST EMPIRE - the Chaldean Empire, often called Babylon. In 604 to585 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar's armies captured the kingdom of Judah and moved the Jews into Babylonish territory as slaves. Seventy years later, the Persian Empire had succeeded the Chaldean. God caused King Cyrus, by communicating via "stirring up the spirit of Cyrus" (Ezra1:1) - his one "human" spirit to issue a decree sending a contingent of Jews back to Jerusalem to build the second temple. Zerubbabel was the governor of the contingent and builder of the temple to which Christ came, at His first appearing on earth as the human Jesus. Also,prophetically, this Zerubbabel was the type of one to come in the LAST DAYS of this world whom Christ would use in building the temple to which the glorified all-powerful Christ shall come at His second appearing. Apparently none but God's true Church understands the truth of the building of this temple. Some of Judah remained in and near Jerusalem - others were scattered into Russia, Poland, Yemen. Most of the Israelis in today's Israel have migrated into the original"promised land" from these countries.

Proof 5 -The gospel of the Kingdom of God
However, in Mark 1, the account continues describing John the baptist preparing the way before His first appearing, then, verses 14-15: "Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the KINGDOM OF GOD, and saying, The time is fulfilled,and the KINGDOM OF GOD iS at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel"(emphasis added). The Gospel Jesus brought from God, proclaimed and taught His apostles was the prophetic message of the coming KINGDOM OF GOD. Jesus went all over the Holy Land teaching this same Gospel. "And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom... " (Matthew 4:23). He taught in parables about the KINGDOM OF GOD. Jesus said "... Unto what is then KINGDOM OF GOD like?... it is like a grain of mustard seed..." (Luke13:18-19). Again the KINGDOM OF GOD "... is like leaven..." (Luke13:21). Again, "There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac and Jacob, and all the prophets in the KINGDOM OF GOD, and you yourselves thrust out" (Luke 13:28). Jesus sent His 12 disciples out to proclaim the KINGDOM, "And he sent them to preach the KINGDOM OF GOD, and to heal the sick" (Luke 9:2). He sent another 70 disciples out on a special mission: "... the Lord appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two... into everycity and place whither he himself would come... And he said unto them... heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you" (Luke 10:1-9). After His resurrection"... unto the apostles whom he had chosen... being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to [concerning] the kingdom of God" (Acts 1:2-3). The apostles proclaimed the Gospel of the KINGDOM OF GOD. Philip, who became an evangelist, proclaimed it,"But when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God..." (Acts 8:12). The apostle Paul proclaimed the Kingdom of God to the gentiles, "And now, behold, I know that ye all,among whom I have gone preaching the KINGDOM OF GOD, shall see my face no more" (Acts 20:25). Again, Paul "... expounded and testified the KINGDOM OF GOD..." (Acts 28:23) and "Preaching the KINGDOM OF GOD..."(verse 31). To the Corinthian church Paul wrote, "Now this I say,brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the KINGDOM OF GOD..."(I Corinthians 15:50). To the Galatians Paul wrote: "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed" (Galatians 1:8). And in verse 9 it was made a DOUBLE-curse to preach any other Gospel! Yet THAT GOSPEL was SUPPRESSED about or just past the middle of the first century and was not again proclaimed to the world until 1953 - 19centuries later - and THEN by the present living generation of that same ONE and ONLY true original Church of God, established by Jesus Christ A.D. 31! The proclaiming of that only true Gospel message taught by Jesus identifies the one and only true Church of God TODAY!The apostle Paul proclaimed the Kingdom of God to the gentiles, "And now, behold, I know that ye all, among whom I have gone preaching theKINGDOM OF GOD, shall see my face no more" (Acts 20:25). Again, Paul"... expounded and testified the KINGDOM OF GOD..." (Acts 28:23) and"Preaching the KINGDOM OF GOD..." (verse 31). To the Corinthian churchPaul wrote, "Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the KINGDOM OF GOD..." (I Corinthians 15:50). To the Galatians Paul wrote: "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed" (Galatians 1:8). And in verse 9 it was made a DOUBLE-curse to preach any other Gospel!Daniel 2 what is kingdom. There is no misunderstanding the interpretation. GOD gives His own interpretation through the prophet Daniel. The great metallic image represented national and international GOVERNMENTS - real, literal KINGDOMS. It represented a succession of world-ruling governments. First was the head of gold.That represented Nebuchadnezzar and his kingdom - the Chaldean Empire.After him - later in time sequence - was to come a second, then a third KINGDOM, "which shall bear RULE over all the earth" - world empire!

Proof 6 What and why church
But the great commission was given to the apostles - not the Church as a whole - although as cited above, the Church completely, prayerfully,wholeheartedly backed up and supported the apostles. That was their part in the great commission.The Church is made up of the BODY of Christ. More on that a little later. But the BODY presented to Christ will not be a dismembered body, with an arm, a leg or other parts being separated! It is ONE Church - fitly framed together - not dismembered into many parts following many different men seeking to draw away disciples after them. This coming marriage is again referred to in II Corinthians11:2: "For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ." The new-covenant MARRIAGE will take place at Christ'scoming in GLORY: "And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, ALLELUIA: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him: for the marriage ofthe Lamb [Christ] is come, and his wife hath made herself ready"(Revelation 19:6-7). It is enlightening at this point to remember Jesus came as "the messenger of the covenant" (Malachi 3:1). He came as the Messenger of the NEW covenant. The old covenant was a CONTRACT entered into between the children of Israel and the Word (who was to become Christ) - the God of the Old Testament. It was a MARRIAGE covenant. God "proposed" and Israel "accepted" (Exodus 19:6, 8). That"marriage covenant" also set up the kingdom of Israel as one of earth's nations. The new covenant also will be a MARRIAGE covenant marrying the Church, then changed to spirit immortality, to Christ.But that covenant also will set up the KINGDOM OF GOD, ruling all nations with the GOVERNMENT OF GOD. The old covenant was made with a carnal-minded people on their PROMISE to obey. The new covenant will be made with a Spirit-begotten and Spirit-born people who have ALREADYPROVED THEIR OBEDIENCE!Or, what about the one who follows a MAN, because of that man's personality, charisma or attractiveness, or some other group? Stop and THINK! Is Christ going to marry a number of differing groups, not incomplete harmony with each other - yet all "professing CHRIST"? Jesus said, "He that is not with me..." (and since He is the Head of God's one and only Church, He plainly meant with Him where HE is working -in God's one Church). Repeat, "He that is not with me [where He works]is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad"(Matthew 12:30). Jesus Christ is going to marry THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE CHURCH - not a number of scattered groups or scattered individuals.God's law and way of life may be summed up in the one word "LOVE" -which is outflowing - the way of "GIVE" - while Satan's way is that of"GET." The one who tries to GET his salvation apart from the one Church Christ is going to marry is on the "GET" way. Those loyally in the Church are GIVING of their prayers, loyalty, encouragement and support behind Christ's chosen apostle in GIVING the GOOD NEWS to the world - its ONLY HOPE! In other words, he that seeks to GET his own salvation without GIVING his part in the team effort of the Church -or follows a man or some other group - is surely NOT BUILDING ON THE ONE SURE FOUNDATION of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ being the chief cornerstone. Again, "Unless GOD build the house, they labor in vain that build it..." (Psalm 127:1). The Church is the HOUSEHOLD OF GOD and a BUILDING - the glorious TEMPLE to which Christ shall come!

Proof 7 the reign of the Kingdom of God
With Satan gone, the KINGDOM OF GOD shall be set up in power. Everyone whom God has called out of this world of Satan's has been called to a special mission preparing for this Kingdom! The GOVERNMENT OF GOD will be restored, worldwide! The humans left on earth will be ruled over.No mortal humans will rule - only those who PREPARED and QUALIFIED to rule during their earthly life after receiving God's Spirit."Human nature" will be GONE! The earth will be as full of the knowledge of the Eternal as the ocean beds are full of water (Isaiah11:9).

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